United Way force donations coming soon for 2011.


Well-Known Member
Wow. A whole 15 cents? Almost makes me want to donate. Almost.

What UPS does or doesn't do should have nothiing to do with how much you give. Do you want to help the less fortunate or not? If you were less fortunate I am sure you would want help. Where do you think the help comes from? Like I tell everyone, one day you might need a organization funded by the United Way. How will you feel knowing you did not give..


What UPS does or doesn't do should have nothiing to do with how much you give. Do you want to help the less fortunate or not? If you were less fortunate I am sure you would want help. Where do you think the help comes from? Like I tell everyone, one day you might need a organization funded by the United Way. How will you feel knowing you did not give..

screw the united way. i give to dana farber because i know every dollar i give goes to research and not have parts of it syphoned off into some managers pocket like when the head of the united way was making 500k a year plus perks.


Nine Lives
Klein--I have been very patient with you but there is something that you need to realize:


I don't know if that is really relevant ... 50% of the posts on here are made by people who are obviously clueless about what they are commenting on.
Just ignore and move on. :wink2:


Für Meno :)
I don't know if that is really relevant ... 50% of the posts on here are made by people who are obviously clueless about what they are commenting on.
Just ignore and move on. :wink2:

NY probably thinks UPS in the only company that has UW direct payroll withdrawel.

In fact every larger company has it. Atleast the ones I worked for.
And they get the forms, just like UPS does, only they are attached to the paystub, and no one will force you to constribute to it, and you don't even need to return them.
UPS pushes it to another level !


Well-Known Member
I had my "donation" meeting yesterday. I have always given $1 or $2 per week through payroll deduction. This year however, I feel that my center manager has *#!# on us more than necessary. I also feel that he is given credit by his boss for having a high participation rate. As a result I chose not to donate in the name of UPS this year and instead made a $100 donation directly to UW. I think UW does a lot of really good things in our community and I don't want those agencies to suffer. They picked a bad time to ask for donations, a lot of 10-12.5 hour days being dispatched around here. Just my 2 cents on this matter.
Hey, I'm an angel :innocent: !!! :)

I just came back from the department store, bought all kinds of goods for the children and adults of Cuba.
That's my donation... over $100 worth, and I hope I don't get over the weight limit.

From toys, to pens and pencils, and school stuff, and soveniers to playing cards for adults.
Even Nutella for the kids, and candy.

Got to do my share, too.

All you need is a van with chains in the back and you`re set. I knew you were in no hurry to get a job for a reason.


Man of Great Wisdom
We get a one on one with the center manager. Told me if I give just under 15 a week I can get a t-shirt. Walking around in a t-shirt that says I donate to United Way is real impressive.


Well-Known Member
When they come to you for money for the United Way. Use that opportunity to collect money for your own fund raising campaign, When they say no thanks. You say the same.. I think i started a tread last year like this. lol


Well-Known Member
When they come to you for money for the United Way. Use that opportunity to collect money for your own fund raising campaign, When they say no thanks. You say the same.. I think i started a tread last year like this. lol

That's so funny, way to make fun of a charitable organization. Does that make you feel good? I hope you need assistance one day from an organization supported by the United Way. Then we will see how "lol" it is.......