Only people that don't relish the fact that Fox News is a 100% biased mouthpiece for the republican party, neocons and christian extremists.
Oh yeah?! Well you're just a poopie head! So there.Thanks for the brilliant insight, Billy Joe Bob Tommy Frank.
What he said about people clinging to guns and religion is true. Anyone who was "offended" by that statement is probably a closet racist and just fishing for a politically correct reason/excuse to dislike the guy. Either that or they just flat out don't like hearing the truth.
Thanks for the brilliant insight, Billy Joe Bob Tommy Frank.
What he said about people clinging to guns .
Thanks for the brilliant insight, Billy Joe Bob Tommy Frank.
What he said about people clinging to guns and religion is true. Anyone who was "offended" by that statement is probably a closet racist and just fishing for a politically correct reason/excuse to dislike the guy. Either that or they just flat out don't like hearing the truth.
What an idiotic statement. First, if there is a racist in this field, it is Obama. Second, I would vote for Condalisa (sp) in a heartbeat. Third, forget politically correct. I don't like Obama because he is a completely empty suit. I can't stand Hillary, but she would run circles around him as President. And that thought is absolutely nauseating.
Yeah, I forgot, Obama is a racist because Fox News says so with their heavily edited propaganda clips of his pastor. All I know is, you guys have solidified the stereotype for truck drivers with the responses in this thread.
And you think you have advanced the cause? LOL
You won't find me voting republican simply because of social conditioning. You won't find me in church praying to santa jesus. You won't find me at an NRA conference even though I support gun ownership to keep the government in check. Most importantly, you will never find me believing what the news reports blindly without further investigation. I always question the perceived reality and many people here do not.
Coming from someone who probably has a Britt Hume shrine in his bedroom and plays with Bill O'Reilly action figures at the morning table. Yeah, you're just the poster-boy for an intelligent thought process.
How many times did you vote for Bush again?
One of my customers told me today that they were watching this and they found it quite fascinating.
But you will vote democratic because of social conditioning. You won't find me in church praying to santa jesus either. I will be praying to the One, True, Living God. Never been to an NRA conference altho I believe 100% in what they are doing. I have a feeling you do blindly reject any news report critical of liberalism, or that reflects positively on conservatism.
Edit- Why is your perception of reality more accurate than the next guys? It is simply that--your perception as filtered thru your own biases.
Unless you have first-hand knowledge of a candidate or situation, your perception will be formed by the perception of those who supply your information. Whether it is TV, or the NY Times, or the Berkeley Gazette, your "knowledge" is "fed" to you by people with a bias. So your view is really no more accurate than anyone else's. No one is 100% objective, 100% of the time. We all have sources we trust and thereby form our "perception".
Left....regardless of all the outside influences of all the news organizations, it comes down to.....I know who I like and I know what I like.
Unless you have first-hand knowledge of a candidate or situation, your perception will be formed by the perception of those who supply your information. Whether it is TV, or the NY Times, or the Berkeley Gazette, your "knowledge" is "fed" to you by people with a bias. So your view is really no more accurate than anyone else's. No one is 100% objective, 100% of the time. We all have sources we trust and thereby form our "perception".
Doesn't take much digging to find out where these guys stand. It's very defined in how they vote, words mean nothing.