UPS on MSNBC last night?

Jim Kemp

Well-Known Member
All of his supposed examples of Fox's mudslinging hasn't stopped the majority of households in America from tuning in. Keep digging Griff.

You keep saying that a majority of households tune in to Fox News, that's not true if you compare Fox to ABC,NBC or CBS. These networks have far more viewers than fox.
You are comparing Broadcast News to Cable News.
I would look it up but it is to late and I am going to bed


October 6, 2003

Study shows Fox News viewers misinformed about war, Iraq, WMD

Posted October 6th, 2003 at 11:43 am

I have naively believed for years that staying informed about current events by getting some news is better than blissful ignorance derived from getting no news. Then Fox News Channel helped demonstrate just how wrong I was.
The Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland conducted a thorough study of public knowledge and attitudes about current events and the war on terrorism. Researchers found that the public’s mistaken impressions of three facets of U.S. foreign policy — discovery of alleged WMD in Iraq, alleged Iraqi involvement in 9/11, and international support for a U.S. invasion of Iraq — helped fuel support for the war.
While the PIPA study concluded that most Americans (over 60%) held at least one of these mistaken impressions, the researchers also concluded that Americans’ opinions were shaped in large part by which news outlet they relied upon to receive their information.
As the researchers explained in their report, “The extent of Americans’ misperceptions vary significantly depending on their source of news. Those who receive most of their news from Fox News are more likely than average to have misperceptions. Those who receive most of their news from NPR or PBS are less likely to have misperceptions. These variations cannot simply be explained as a result of differences in the demographic characteristics of each audience, because these variations can also be found when comparing the demographic subgroups of each audience.”
Almost shocking was the extent to which Fox News viewers were mistaken. Those who relied on the conservative network for news, PIPA reported, were “three times more likely than the next nearest network to hold all three misperceptions. In the audience for NPR/PBS, however, there was an overwhelming majority who did not have any of the three misperceptions, and hardly any had all three.”

Looking at the misperceptions one at a time, people were asked, for example, if the U.S. had discovered the alleged stockpiles of WMD in Iraq since the war began. Just 11% of those who relied on newspapers as their “primary news source” incorrectly believed that U.S. forces had made such a discovery. Only slightly more — 17% — of those who relied on NPR and PBS were wrong. Yet 33% of Fox News viewers were wrong, far ahead of those who relied on any other outlet.
Likewise, when people were asked if the U.S. had “clear evidence” that Saddam Hussein was “working closely with al Queda,” similar results were found. Only 16% of NPR and PBS listeners/viewers believed that the U.S. has such evidence, while 67% of Fox News viewers were under that mistaken impression.
Overall, 80 percent of those who relied on Fox News as their primary news source believed at least one of the three misperceptions. Viewers/listeners/readers of other news outlets didn’t even come close to this total.
In other words, Fox News viewers are literally less informed about these basic facts. They have, put simply, been led to believe things that are simply not true. These poor dupes would have done better in this survey, statistically speaking, if they received no news at all and simply guessed whether the claims were accurate.
And, in addition to a fun bash-Fox-athon, I wanted to add that the PIPA study also documented that those who relied on newspapers as their primary news source were better informed than those who watched any of the television news broadcasts. The only folks more informed than newspaper readers were NPR listeners.

wow one of the liberal news sources slamming fox. keep serving em up there griffster this is fun.


Simple math outlined in that article, those statistics are staggering. Calling someone a "poor dupe" is putting it lightly in reference to what this article speaks of. This isn't a perceived reality, it's simple statistics based off a study. The people who conducted the study aren't the people who wrote the article, so what exactly is the difference? This is what I'm talking about, the three ring circus effect, you need your fix for mud.

This is the same reason why you all harp on the "bitter" comment. This is the same reason why you harp on his pastor. This is the reason why you harp on his wife. This is the same reason why people are up in arms about him not wearing an American flag pin (grotesque nationalism). None of you care about this country, you care about whatever you're told to care about.

Anyone who can watch the highlights from those two videos I posted from youtube and still believe that Fox News is unbiased needs to be committed to an asylum. I mean that whole-heartedly, you are NOT well.

oh griffy. Fox most preffered news source. Preffered by the majority for its unbiased perspective. Watch and learn my friend.


Yes he did make the bitter comment and it was the truth. No his pastor of 20 years isn't a racist. No his wife isn't an out of control the sky is not ups trucks are not its all a mirage.

Twenty years griffy. Obama bin ladin sat in those pews for twenty years listening to the racist nut preach and never spoke out against any of it. Obama bin laden sat there when the racist nut said al quida was justified in killing all those innocent americans and never spoke out against it. Twenty years that man sat in those pews and supported that church. yepper undeniable.


Of the three candidates, I am probably going to have to hold my nose and vote for Obama. I agree with a lot of what he stands for, but the problem is I am also a gun nut/NRA member and his views on that subject are the polar opposite of my own.
I dont think it will matter either way. I hope and pray that I am wrong about this...but I have a sick feeling that if he gets nominated he will suffer the same fate as JFK, RFK and MLK.

I picture him answering the phone at 3 am and pulling out the presidential training guide to see how he should respond. the guy has terrific charisma but very little leadership experience. He clearly does not focus since he sat in a church pew for twenty years and never heard a word said. Or so he says.:happy-very:


here's a nice news story by abc since you don't like fox. love the god D _mn america speech. the guy who sat in reverend wrights pew for twenty years now wants to be your president. Couldn't we find a nazi or kkk leader to run with him?
watch and ask yourself what kind of person would support such a radical for twenty years.

Griff, If you don't believe that the Pastor Wright is a racist, you just aint paying attention. Even by the most stringent of criteria he qualifies. I watched a total of two youtubes recorded from his....uuuh..errr. Sunday sermons an the man is unmistakably a racist, anti-American liar. As far as Obama, he is a pawn, born and nurtured by an anti-American group of people that are so far to the left that they are off the charts.
As far as your little non-story of the "research" and the following biased liberal "report", well it's just ridiculous to even give it any merit. Time and time again it has been proven that a piece of "research" can (and often does) arrive at a foregone conclusion by adjusting the criteria of the "study". It has been proven time and again that "news reports" coming from all news media are often tainted with twisting of facts. ABC, NBC, CBS as well as FOX are all as guilty of that process.


Along with the 20 years of support obama should reverend wright , obama also had reverend wright appointed the head of his own religious council. Reverend wright then stepped down on march 14th after news of his racist teachings started leaking out. But yet Obama claims to have not heard or known of reverend wrights racist and inflammotory comments.


Well-Known Member

I wonder if more of this thread could have been spent discussing the issues. But if you can't win on issues I guess resorting to mudslinging some feel appropiate.



I wonder if more of this thread could have been spent discussing the issues. But if you can't win on issues I guess resorting to mudslinging some feel appropiate.


obama sat in those pews and supported reverend wright for twenty years. Obama appointed reverend wright to the head of his religous council.

Where was obamas mind . what was he thinking during those twenty years he listened to this racist hatemonger.

If mccain had attended KKK meetings for twenty years I guarantee that would be relevant and would not be swept under the rug like this issue has been.

Relevant question to ask of someone who wants to be president.


Well-Known Member
I picture him answering the phone at 3 am and pulling out the presidential training guide to see how he should respond. the guy has terrific charisma but very little leadership experience. He clearly does not focus since he sat in a church pew for twenty years and never heard a word said. Or so he says.:happy-very:
Too bad Bush didn't have his little training book when the towers were attacked, he sat in that classroom like a deer in the headlights for what was it 8 more minutes before leaving (I think he actually finished reading the book)(He said so as not to cause panic)(He could have simply said something very important came up and excused himself from the classroom)But then he knew the attacks were going to take place because he was in on it. (That's one of the theories I heard floating around)
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News is a product that news companies sell... they choose what they report and how they report it based on what gets viewers/readers... FoxNews is the best at it which is evident by their numbers.

the news industry is changing with more availability of information
thru the web, etc... some of the old liberal biased news organizations just haven't realized it yet. That's why you see most of them declining. They don't get away with reporting spin as unbiased news like they did in the past.

Although people will believe what they want to believe...


Too bad Bush didn't have his little training book when the towers were attacked, he sat in that classroom like a deer in the headlights for what was it 8 more minutes before leaving (I think he actually finished reading the book)(He said so as not to cause panic)(He could have simply said something very important came up and excused himself from the classroom

One of the popular overstated points that came out of certain documentary produced by a certain hate mongering liberal.

I remember when I turned on the TV and saw the news clips rolling in announcing the attacks on the tower. I easily sat there with a deer in the headlights look for more then several minutes , dazed and confused by what I saw. I remember wondering if this was all some bad nightmare I might soon wake up from. At that point I sat in my own living room. I didn't have to worry about how to respond. I didn't have to worry about what I may say in front of a room full of innocent children. I challenge anyone to tell me that their initial response to seeing that horror on TV was to calmly move on to something else. In reality I think he showed remarkable restraint at that time with the whole world watching.

I challenge that fat pig who produced that documentary to show us how he responded when he first saw the news rolling in. Show us whether he calmly reacted appropriately. My instincts tell me he probably cheered the act since he hates this country so much.

The day that dirtball catchs someones bullet I'll be cheering louder then anyone.


Well-Known Member
Yes he did make the bitter comment and it was the truth. No his pastor of 20 years isn't a racist. No his wife isn't an out of control liability...
no the sky is not ups trucks are not its all a mirage.

Twenty years griffy. Obama bin ladin sat in those pews for twenty years listening to the racist nut preach and never spoke out against any of it. Obama bin laden sat there when the racist nut said al quida was justified in killing all those innocent americans and never spoke out against it. Twenty years that man sat in those pews and supported that church. yepper undeniable.

This shows how brainwashed you truly are. Everything you are spewing on these boards is Fox News rhetoric, almost word for word. You constantly mock his name and assert that he's a Muslim and/or a terrorist. Muslims as a whole have been completely vilified by the media in this country (much like Hitler did to the Jews). If you can't see this, you're so far gone that I would say you're psychotic. You're clearly obsessed with his church on an unhealthy level, as if this has anything to do with running the country. I wonder if Ted Haggard paying gay men for sex while using illegal drugs got as much airplay on Fox News as this Obama church crap got? Haggard was Bush's top Evangelical (fancy word for NUTCASE) and an adviser to the Bush administration for years. So much for fair and balanced, eh Lieguy?
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Going Green!
I invoke Godwin's Law. If you look it up, you'll know what I'm referring to.

As far as the racist preacher bits... he DID say this man was a GOOD friend of - I have plenty of good friends, sure we differ on issues - but we keep the basics basic. I could not befriend someone who was a bigot or a racist - It's not like we're talking music genres here - this is some serious shiitake mushrooms.
This isn't a dude getting cut off and screaming, "friendCKING HONKEY!!" This man is in DEEP. It's not a slip of the tongue you over look on occasion...

A president is not a man... or a woman for that matter - it's the people around him or her... those they associate with - those that back them up, with THEIR best interests in mind... I'M SURE YOU TOOK GOVERNMENT IN HIGH SCHOOL - it's as old as democraZy itself!

I don't have a say in these matters, I'm a registered Libertarian. I just await the outcome and give the FINAL vote.

But for a good HA HA.... here's something I picked up from a friend's post on another forum!

This message is from the Donnell family living in Switzerland.


As Americans living overseas, we are happy to be somewhat distant from current politics . All that said we wonder what all the fuss is about...


A lawyer who's a bitch and married to another lawyer

A lawyer who's married to another lawyer who's a bitch

A war hero married to a gorgeous gal with a beer distributorship

Is this really a tough choice?


Well-Known Member
One of the popular overstated points that came out of certain documentary produced by a certain hate mongering liberal.

I remember when I turned on the TV and saw the news clips rolling in announcing the attacks on the tower. I easily sat there with a deer in the headlights look for more then several minutes , dazed and confused by what I saw. I remember wondering if this was all some bad nightmare I might soon wake up from. At that point I sat in my own living room. I didn't have to worry about how to respond. I didn't have to worry about what I may say in front of a room full of innocent children. I challenge anyone to tell me that their initial response to seeing that horror on TV was to calmly move on to something else. In reality I think he showed remarkable restraint at that time with the whole world watching.

I challenge that fat pig who produced that documentary to show us how he responded when he first saw the news rolling in. Show us whether he calmly reacted appropriately. My instincts tell me he probably cheered the act since he hates this country so much.

The day that dirtball catchs someones bullet I'll be cheering louder then anyone.

Wow, i cannot believe i just read something written by tie and whole heartedly agree.
This shows how brainwashed you truly are. Everything you are spewing on these boards is Fox News rhetoric, almost word for word. You constantly mock his name and assert that he's a Muslim and/or a terrorist. Muslims as a whole have been completely vilified by the media in this country (much like Hitler did to the Jews). If you can't see this, you're so far gone that I would say you're psychotic. You're clearly obsessed with his church on an unhealthy level, as if this has anything to do with running the country. I wonder if Ted Haggard paying gay men for sex while using illegal drugs got as much airplay on Fox News as this Obama church crap got? Haggard was Bush's top Evangelical (fancy word for NUTCASE) and an adviser to the Bush administration for years. So much for fair and balanced, eh Lieguy?
As a matter of fact Haggard's problem was aired on Fox news, for several days. But Griff, there is a huge difference in someone getting caught in illicit indiscretions (of which there has been no mention that Bush ever knew about before hand and Haggard tried hard to keep his personal life out of the media) and an over the top racist preacher that openly spouts hate, yes hate for whites and America that is obviously supported by a lying ( I say lying because of his statement that he had never heard Wright's hatemongering, yeah right) politician trying to gain the office of President of the United States of America. Griff I have watched news reports from all the news media for many years with an open mind and hope that what I was hearing was the actual news and not a cloaked agenda. I agree that Fox news does in fact lean to the right, but you can not deny that the others are all very liberal in their presentations of the so-called news. I have also come to the conclusion that Fox is closer to being fair and balanced as any of the offerings on air today.