UPS Strike prediction


Legio patria nostra
Allegiant is a terrible airline. The CEO and his hand picked “staff” are all former Valu Jet. Remember all those people they killed?
I'm just saying O'Brien is stirring up a lot of things right now.
And he has a couple big contracts on his plate coming up.
ABF expires at the end of June, t-force and UPS expire at the end of July

BYG Jacob

Active Member


I just can’t believe that this company is willing to play around and allow the circumstances for an unbelievably devastating strike to occur. By this point they have to be nervous or in denial to the realness that employees are fed up with the company’s greed and working conditions.
Going just as Carol planned Teamsters membership scared to death


Well-Known Member

More delays? The article doesn't say if they are going to delay the April 17th start. 12 weeks is not a long time.
The company was the one delaying since they did not want to negotiate it for all the weeks they were doing supplements


Blind every day
Railroad already did find out. Encouraged members to vote yes on a contract they didn’t want then celebrated with crazy Nancy polosi after she forced it on them.
Actually that was because of a specific law passed and edited over the decades. There is no law pertaining to anything like that except railways.
What is vague is management's previous or current entitlements. I know they just recently eliminating any vesting rights and froze their own pension trusts, before that they were stuffing it with a lot of monetary contributions at the end of the year into their own individual pension trusts while paying peanuts or not increasing benefits to our members who are currently under their defined pension plans.

There was a reason that the Company decided to eliminate further funding into their own pension trusts (5) years ago..It gives them a bargaining chip to convert most of us into a 401K similar to what is happening in their management's retirement plan,
Of course they had to provide a healthy GWI to soften the blow. Do we really know just how many perks and entitlements that is currently in place for management, particularly on the corporate levels?

First time hearing about the management's 6 day extra vacation day benefit..presuming O'Brien is pushing for more sick days or more vacation weeks after 25 years.
Well they also screwed my management team out of the extra week they were supposed to get for working six days a week during Peak


Well-Known Member
I’am glad he’s showing the pricks he’s serious
Been along time since somebody has stood up to them
How did that work out last time?

I was a steward then. I was a Carey supporter. It didn't turn out great, but at that time we had the customers on our side. Today, not so much.