UPS Strike prediction

Where do I sign?


Actually that was because of a specific law passed and edited over the decades. There is no law pertaining to anything like that except railways.
Wrong. It is because he told the members to vote for it, then when they didn’t he gave political cover to Biden and the gang. The union has plenty of sway if he had told them that if they don’t allow collective bargaining/strike action the union/s will withhold donations. There is nothing in the railroad labor law that says the teamsters have to continue giving donations to democrats after they forced them back to work.


Again, there is no law that exists that would allow them to do what they did to the rail workers.
It’s almost like some of you have been in a time capsule. probably In our case they will declare an emergency over defending the sacred borders of Ukraine and us going on strike is treason because it will hold up building the border wall (Ukraine Russia border)


The World Socialist Website. I’m not a fan of commies. I don’t like that the TDU is backed by commies. I don’t like that unions have their noses so far up the democrat parties rear end they think they have a free pass to strike. I don’t like that the Union has spilt so much bad blood between the members and their leadership that they’re trying to gin up a fight to the death battle with the company to gain back trust and belief that they care about us. I’ll reiterate again, there’s nothing to strike about. We make 50% more than everyone else that does the same job at different companies. We have a superior benefits package. We have recession (which is coming) proof employment. We got a good COLA raise last year. This job has been so dumbed down and automated they could hand a DIAD 6 to anyone off the street and they’d have this job down in a week. I’m very certain if a strike vote was authorized 80% of the workforce, deep down, would cross the line if the other 20% almost all old timers wouldn’t smash their windshields for the rest of their careers. The workforce is so apathetic to the union, at least where I’m at. I haven’t seen a union hall member at my building in months. There’s no advertisements. They’re not outside in the parking lot talking to members. I doubt 99% of the guys could tell you the local number or where the hall is located. I just don’t see how they could ask people to stop working and ruin their finances when there’s such record low participation and almost non existent outreach.
You sound just like a supervisor


The World Socialist Website. I’m not a fan of commies. I don’t like that the TDU is backed by commies. I don’t like that unions have their noses so far up the democrat parties rear end they think they have a free pass to strike. I don’t like that the Union has spilt so much bad blood between the members and their leadership that they’re trying to gin up a fight to the death battle with the company to gain back trust and belief that they care about us. I’ll reiterate again, there’s nothing to strike about. We make 50% more than everyone else that does the same job at different companies. We have a superior benefits package. We have recession (which is coming) proof employment. We got a good COLA raise last year. This job has been so dumbed down and automated they could hand a DIAD 6 to anyone off the street and they’d have this job down in a week. I’m very certain if a strike vote was authorized 80% of the workforce, deep down, would cross the line if the other 20% almost all old timers wouldn’t smash their windshields for the rest of their careers. The workforce is so apathetic to the union, at least where I’m at. I haven’t seen a union hall member at my building in months. There’s no advertisements. They’re not outside in the parking lot talking to members. I doubt 99% of the guys could tell you the local number or where the hall is located. I just don’t see how they could ask people to stop working and ruin their finances when there’s such record low participation and almost non existent outreach.

You really are a sheep I would bet that you’re one of the first to cross
Go ask if you can be a part time supe that way you can work during the strike


Blind every day
It’s almost like some of you have been in a time capsule. probably In our case they will declare an emergency over defending the sacred borders of Ukraine and us going on strike is treason because it will hold up building the border wall (Ukraine Russia border)
My guy what are you going on about? Look up the RailRoad Act. There is no Parcel Act in existence that would allow them to force a contract on us.