hurry up and ratify the others I can get my retro check!...full-timers making plenty of money but us part-timers been getting

ed for years. Fters want to blame us Pters but haven't not once spoke up loudly for us. So hell no, we are not gonna help you. We don't give a

about voting or the union. The only thing we care about is our healthcare and what ever raise we can get, in that order. When you FTers start giving a

about us, we will start giving a

about your union and your contract. The way we see it is the union is not ours nor is the contract. That's you fulltimers BS. You guys kill me, on her complaining about making 40+ a hour with great benifits, and partimers are making $10.35 and a year wait for benefits. I understand the concept of put in your time but dam! You want that package car loaded correctly every morning right? At the very least you could have made a push for cutting that year in half. But no you complaining about 22.4 jobs only becuz it creates a 2nd tier driver. Well that 2nd tier pay sounds a whole lot better than what we getting now. It isn't the Union Reps it's all of you selfish as Fulltimers!!