Because a union is only as strong as its weakest link. It's the responsibility of those who come before to leave conditions better ,not worse for those who come after them. Stop misrepresenting who you are and I'll get off of it.
The thing thatme off about the yes votes is all you all have are a bunch of scare tactics. "They will offer less money if we don't accept it" "UPS will go out of business if we don't vote yes" "We will be on strike if we don't vote yes on this proposal "
You already proved with your statement that you are a selfishbecause all you care about is what's best for you and not worried about those who follow, but you fear mongering over the contract show you to be a giant pusillanimous too
Ok sooo the statement on the ballot isnt true? If you vote no, you authorize the union to strike at any moment in time... there’s nothing that states they’ll go back to the table to renegotiate immediately.
And when we have a family that depends on his medical and paycheck and you no voters think its a effing game to ruin peoples livelyhoods... just for a few weeks off...??