Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
We're just saying we want to keep what we have. If you care about you're family wouldn't you? Is that a crime? Are we not the ones who are generating that profit?
I want you to win,win,win.

However, voting No is not going to stop 22.4's, it is not going to make you get all sorts of new consessions imo. You're not going to get management to all of a sudden be warm & fuzzy towards you for the rest of your career.

What you're actually doing by voting no, which this is my opinion... is risking your livelihood and possible employment. If this contract gave up a lot. Charged $100 a week for healthcare, took away vacations, slashed pensions, dumped seniority and shoved it down our throats. I would being voting NO and looking forward to striking with you brother.

Greed consumes us all. I personally see this as a great contract and don't tell the Angry 45 that I actually have the right to feel that way as a dues paying member just like they feel for voting it down.

Yet, I'm for ratification. Thus I'm a troll, a bot, a company shill in their eyes.

It's a sad society we live in anymore. In my humble opinion :)


Well-Known Member
From what I'm hearing all locals claiming "It's politically motivated, don't believe the lies" That's all they got.
I guess when you surround yourself only with people that agree with you, you will lose your perspective. They don't know what the members want. They don't listen to any.
We really don’t know what all the locals really think. I think They are careful what they publicly say for fear of retaliation.

Frankie's Friend

However, voting No is not going to stop 22.4's, it is not going to make you get all sorts of new consessions imo.

What you're actually doing by voting no, which this is my opinion... is risking your livelihood and possible employment.

I personally see this as a great contract

In my humble opinion :)

You have a lot of opinions but the facts to back them up are mia.

The average member has more understanding about how this contract will affect them and the membership for years to come so stop with the lies.

You avoid the facts to fill this screen with your misleading opinions.

You embarrass the people who pay your salary. Trolling for the ibt (and the company) is childish.

Forget your (lies) opinions.
Tell the truth.
That'll be a good start.


Frankie's Friend

Greed consumes us all.

No it doesn't...

but greed breeds lies.

You must be pretty greedy because your lies are evident.

We have no respect for liars on matters that concern our (and literally millions) of workers futures .

The company's going to lock us out? You sound like our BA. If you cant sell the lies just try to scare the membership into accepting concessions.

Troll you are.

Please leave.

Slug Life

When do we eat?
They listened to these guys ?

Holy smokes those are some creepy looking drivers. Also that sign above the door is Gold.
Those smiles and thumbs up seem suspect to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Uh ok? If you really think the company offered a great contract out the gate because they care about employees you’re either brand new or very naive. Fight for more. Why WOULDNT you?

You're right they should have took some time like maybe 6 months to negotiate over the company's first offer. Oh wait they did!

The union didn't take the company's first offer. The company made proposals as did the Union. They then negotiated between each other to come up with a contract.

Is it a great contract? I don't think so but it's certainly not the first offer. So for the love of Jim Beam will you people stop comparing it to buying a car at sticker price!