Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Inordinately Right
Totally the kind of answer I would expect from you. Memes, emoji charms and fist pumping. You are a true leader for the vote no movement and Teamsters everywhere thank you for your diverse contract knowledge and guidance.

Frankie's Friend

YOU don’t get it. Getting rid of TCD’s is not even negotiated in this contract! They have been in contracts for decades!

That's the point butt head. You want a race to the bottom and we want the weak and decisive raping of our pkg car jobs stopped.

They should've negotiated the removal of TCDs and made the 9.5 penalty greater.

So you think 22.4s are better than TCDs? That parallels preferring dying from cancer vs being run over by a car.

Keep cheerleading for the chronic downgraded language. Your new subtitle is "ignorance on fire".

Frankie's Friend

@BlackCat @DriveInDriveOut @Doubleparkedrunner You three vote no guys can not accept reality. 1997 your beloved Ron Carey gave us Cover Drivers in the West. It’s undeniable. It’s in the contract. No matter how many emoji charms you post it is and will always be a fact.
And you're not only good with that you are ok with the raping of our pkg car work to make yet another sub par job.
You're stupidity is plain to see boy.


Well-Known Member
That's the point butt head. You want a race to the bottom and we want the weak and decisive raping of our pkg car jobs stopped.

They should've negotiated the removal of TCDs and made the 9.5 penalty greater.

So you think 22.4s are better than TCDs? That parallels preferring dying from cancer vs being run over by a car.

Keep cheerleading for the chronic downgraded language. Your new subtitle is "ignorance on fire".
Anything else you want to make up to add to the contract? What a crybaby. Go back and read the reality I posted about how our members jump progression pay. It is disturbing you have no grip on reality.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
All I know is you can’t talk about anything positive or they jump all over you. You explain how it works and they just can’t admit that in some areas it makes sense to have a yes vote. That to me is a huge red flag that they are being unreasonable. I can agree with some of the areas wanting to vote no. To me it just depends on the language in your supplements and riders. They don’t want people to hear all sides they just want people to hear their side.

Some areas it’s good and some it’s bad you say? Well that means is :censored2:ing bad man! Unless it’s good for all it’s just bad period. You must vote no even if it’s good for you cause it ain’t good for me and we’re brothers.


Some areas it’s good and some it’s bad you say? Well that means is :censored2:ing bad man! Unless it’s good for all it’s just bad period. You must vote no even if it’s good for you cause it ain’t good for me and we’re brothers.
Sorry pal but we’re not brothers, sick of this whole brotherhood charade, absolutely zero brotherhood on this forum.