Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
The IBT General President is bound by the IBT constitution.

50% of the UPS membership voting.... And then, a 2/3 majority voting no ?

I just don't see it happening.

That's what they said in the last election.

I haven’t seen the part of the constitution that said if not 50% vote the contract is an automatic yes. Can you share that language please? I thought it was just up to the president if it’s not 50% turnout? I certainly could be mistaken. Imagine him unilaterally shoving the master and a host of supplements down our throats? Wow will be exciting times.


Inordinately Right
If they were smart they would have an opt in or out ability with insurance. Some married couples or people under 26 don’t need the insurance. Think if someone could take a couple grand a year instead of insurance if they were already covered. Talk about a win/win. Would have the potential to save a ton of money.
And do the same with the pension?

browned out

Well-Known Member
The National Master is garbage and must be voted down.
You have to remember that the vast number of locals supporting this Contract are in collusion with UPS. Not all of them but the vast majority.

You need look no further than to the Rob Atkinson's case with union rep Betty Rose Fischer who is in local 538 and on Joint Council 40.

Atkinson Hearing Reveals Disturbing Relationship Between UPS And Teamsters | bringbackthefight

Betty Rose is still working for the Teamsters. Whoops, I mean working UPS. No's she is working for herself. She should have been removed from her position long ago but the teamsters refuse to follow their own Constitution.

This type of behavior is running rampant within the Teamsters Union. The vast majority of locals that are pushing the yes vote have most likely conspired with UPS in the past and are doing so now.

The pecking order of how these union locals work is as follows.
If you are a member who speaks out against that local, you will absolutely not be represented to the best of their abilities... and they will collude with UPS to get rid of you.

If you are a member who speaks out against UPS and the local, you are definitely in trouble and will be out of a job.
And if you just speak out against only UPS then the local will be like.... okay, UPS we will let you get rid of this guy.

It is a shame. Rob Atkinson's case is not an isolated incident. I have seen the same type of deplorable acts of treason play out in many areas of the country.

Remember.....many of the same people who are pushing a yes vote are the same people who let Betty Rose Fischer remain in the Union after colluding with UPS in order to get rid of Rob Atkinson .

Ask yourself who's interest do they have in mind?

We can't even get a straight answer and language in the contract on how overtime rights will be afforded. And we can't get a straight answer on why if they can include 8 hours and 5 days are guaranteed for the 22 fours...... then why can't they easily insert that same language for the regular package car drivers?

VOTE NO on this garbage.


Well-Known Member
The IBT General President is bound by the IBT constitution.

50% of the UPS membership voting.... And then, a 2/3 majority voting no ?

I just don't see it happening.

If at least one half of the members eligible to vote cast valid ballots then a cumulative majority of those voting in favor of the final offer shall result in acceptance of such offer; and a cumulative ma‐ jority of those voting against acceptance of the fi‐ nal offer shall authorize a strike without any addi‐ tional vote being necessary for such strike authorization. A tie vote shall be resolved as pro‐ vided in Section 1(b)(l) of this Article
(2) If less than half of the eligible members cast valid ballots, then a twothirds (2/3) vote of those voting shall be required to reject such final offer and to authorize a strike. The failure of such membership to reject the final offer and to authorize a strike as herein provided shall require the negotiating com‐ mittee to accept such final offer or such additional provisions as can be negotiated by it

So if more then 50% vote then its just a simple majority. If less then 50% then it becomes 2/3 to pass.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
. UPS needs more drivers. Fine hire more FT RPCDs. Like you said, cover is here to stay but doesn't mean we need to make a bad idea worse by allowing more to be hired.

Some areas don't even have the choice they either have to go 22.4 or never become a RPCD. Congratulations you didn't have to do that not everybody is as lucky as you.

Why don't you just call it what it really is. The teamsters throwing UPS a bone because they know they are losing money on weekends.

Folks, this should be GOSPEL!

3-4 decades at UPS does have you talking to yourself.
So with that said, Amazon just ordered 20,000 delivery, sprinter vans (with AC no doubt), this 20,000 is in addition to their already large fleet. THESE ARE NON UNION JOBS!
I searched the number of cities in the U.S. with a population of 25,000 or more and it's right at 1500 cities.
You all are playing with fire on a potential strike thinking this is 1997!
Risking it all for that October,2018 new hire driver 22.4 named Shannon with the sleeve tattoos!

Then spend your time organizing the Amazon work force and stop trying to screw over the UPS Teamster members!

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
That's what a Cover Driver is in the west, a PT employee who is driver-qualified to allow for more vacations and days off, in theory. In reality, they are used daily and abused at the will of the company. Similar to how a 22.4 will be. I just don't agree that a second-class driver is the answer to a second-class driver.
I’m with you 100%. Our cover spots are bid jobs. Some guys love doing different routes everyday.


Well-Known Member
3-4 decades at UPS does have you talking to yourself.

So with that said, Amazon just ordered 20,000 delivery, sprinter vans (with AC no doubt), this 20,000 is in addition to their already large fleet. THESE ARE NON UNION JOBS!

I searched the number of cities in the U.S. with a population of 25,000 or more and it's right at 1500 cities.

You all are playing with fire on a potential strike thinking this is 1997!

Risking it all for that October,2018 new hire driver 22.4 named Shannon with the sleeve tattoos!

Amazon says it has ordered 20,000 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans for use in its new last-mile delivery program. The company is offering training, discounts on van leasing, and the promise of contract package-delivery work to select interested entrepreneurs.

Stop trying to bolster your “me first” YES vote with fear mongering. The article clearly states these vans are for last mile delivery. Who do you think is going to trasport these boxes to the van drivers?? WE ARE! Instead of dropping all that Amazon at the post office, we will be dropping it at Joe van drivers garage!
Maybe you and VaginaBrown can start your own Amazon delivery business and leave the Union company to people who give a :censored2:!


Well-Known Member
"If less than half of the eligible members cast valid ballots, then a two thirds (2/3) vote of those voting shall be required to reject such final offer and to authorize a strike."


That is correct, so lets hope for 50% plus 1.

Also, the constitution cleary states many times that this must be the final offer. I have heard that language used in past negotiated contracts, but i never heard them mention that in these negotiations.

H.E. Pennypacker

Mmm, Mombasa!
And where is this secret "few weeks" of volume stored? Get a grip folks.

We're getting into Alex Jones territory now...


I'm a star
And where is this secret "few weeks" of volume stored? Get a grip folks.

Stored? No, I don't think so. They can bottle neck though. Advance some volume here, hold back some volume there. I understand that it is most likely just natural business cycles, but I do like to think about possibilities.


My Senior Picture
The IBT General President is bound by the IBT constitution.

50% of the UPS membership voting.... And then, a 2/3 majority voting no ?

I just don't see it happening.

That's what they said in the last election.

"If less than half of the eligible members cast valid ballots, then a two thirds (2/3) vote of those voting shall be required to reject such final offer and to authorize a strike."


If you are going to tell stories Bug, tell the whole story?

Is this contract vote for a "last and final" offer?

I asked the Central Region Director at our Review Meeting....and I asked you here as well.

Nobody seems to know???
How convenient, meh...

Enough with the scare tactics, nut up and tell the truth.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
If you are going to tell stories Bug, tell the whole story?

Is this contract vote for a "last and final" offer?

I asked the Central Region Director at our Review Meeting....and I asked you here as well.

Nobody seems to know???
How convenient, meh...

Enough with the scare tactics, nut up and tell the truth.

Exactly. Keep throwing out this language trying to make people think Hoffa has to shove it thru if 50% don't vote.

This language is only for a pass or strike vote.

I do wonder if the IBT plan is just put the same garabage up for vote multiple times until they are "forced" to use this language.