Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
The union sent proaganda to the house along with the ballot, seperate piece of mail, pushing the yes vote. I notice they didn't show any of the concession in the flyer.


Well-Known Member
This came Thursday

This came today (Friday). Voted NO within a minute of opening it.


My Senior Picture
Any opinion on the western region agreement? Yes or no? I'm voting no on the master.
If you are Voting No on the Master, why would you vote yes on the Supplement?

How can your Supplement address the autonomous needs of you Region until you know exactly what will be in the final version of the Master?

My advice is to Vote No on both, until you confident enough to vote yes on the Master and feel it has a good chance of passing.
If you are Voting No on the Master, why would you vote yes on the Supplement?

How can your Supplement address the autonomous needs of you Region until you know exactly what will be in the final version of the Master?

My advice is to Vote No on both, until you confident enough to vote yes on the Master and feel it has a good chance of passing.
They are blackmailing a lot of the local supplements by saying if the supplement doesn't pass on the first vote, everything is off the table.

browned out

Well-Known Member
I would hope that we are going back to a zero deductible. Does anyone know when the new team care benefit information will be sent out? We can't concede on everything.

On a side note, some of the posts I tried to read have a little blue arrow by them and it redirects to a different topic. What does that arrow mean?

Vote NO. This contract is garbage. If this Abomination 22.4 driver position goes through, The 22.4 language and the overtime language need to be cleaned up and not open to interpretation.


Well-Known Member
I would hope that we are going back to a zero deductible. Does anyone know when the new team care benefit information will be sent out? We can't concede on everything.

On a side note, some of the posts I tried to read have a little blue arrow by them and it redirects to a different topic. What does that arrow mean?
Portal Arrow.

Frankie's Friend

The union sent proaganda to the house along with the ballot, seperate piece of mail, pushing the yes vote. I notice they didn't show any of the concession in the flyer.
It's in braille. Feel the back right corner of the flyer.
It says vote yes on concessions and right to work if I read it right?