Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
I’ve read everything on TDU,UPSRising,Browncafe and every word in the Master and my region and honestly I like it

1. Retirement after 30 is great.
2. My health insurance is still payed for by UPS.
3. At least the 22.4 drivers are full time. I got screwed in the 90’s workin 50+ hours a week part time . They can only hire 1 22.4 for every 4 drivers hired. .
4. Over 40 dollars an hour at the end of this contract plus all my benefits paid. Where else can you make that much money hustling packages.
I know I’ll have to leave browncafe after posting this but please everyone read all the propaganda on BOTH sides then vote.
You and i differ, however at least you have a logical, thoughtful approach, that you can articulate. Congratulations, whatever way this goes come back we will need all the imput and shared experience going forward


I do my best not to tell people how to vote as well. So you won't vote on the Master because your local recommends a certain vote. It's your right but seems childish to me.
I don't have an opinion. The master contract is okay for me personally, I would vote yes technically speaking, but that isn't good for all.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
It is $.70 the first year, with a total of $4.15 over the next 4 years. For an employee (5 or 6 years?) currently at $16/hr, that is almost 26%. Say an employee (2 years?) at $14, that's a 5% raise this year and almost 30% overall.

I just wonder what is going to be enough. It has taken decades for PT wage to fall this far behind, how could it be fiscally possible to correct that in one contract?

Serious questions, how much will be enough? How could it responsibly be done?

You decide, if is enough for you. Go ahead. Me I'm thinking about all my Teamsters Brothers, its a No Vote. No question asked. Simple. We need to get educated do our own homework. It makes the big difference. Lets all be Leaders, No Followers.


Well-Known Member
I’ve read everything on TDU,UPSRising,Browncafe and every word in the Master and my region and honestly I like it

1. Retirement after 30 is great.
2. My health insurance is still payed for by UPS.
3. At least the 22.4 drivers are full time. I got screwed in the 90’s workin 50+ hours a week part time . They can only hire 1 22.4 for every 4 drivers hired. .
4. Over 40 dollars an hour at the end of this contract plus all my benefits paid. Where else can you make that much money hustling packages.
I know I’ll have to leave browncafe after posting this but please everyone read all the propaganda on BOTH sides then vote.

Its only about the drivers isnt it.


Well-Known Member
I sent in my two 'Yes' votes!



I'm a star
You and i differ, however at least you have a logical, thoughtful approach, that you can articulate. Congratulations, whatever way this goes come back we will need all the imput and shared experience going forward

It's not exactly thoughtful. It's pretty much copy and pasted from the ups rising site. How many more accounts is fit bit going to set up, amiright?

browned out

Well-Known Member
We are inundated with vote yes propaganda from UPS and the Teamsters.
We keep hearing about the UPS COSTS of certain asoects of this CBA.

For much part time benefits after 9 months will cost UPS, etc.

What we ARE NOT privy to is how many millions of $ this concessionsry deal will save UPS over 5 years.

Somehow the savings of reduced or eliminated RPCD overtime, cutting routes on Mondays and Tuesdays, having 25% or more of the FT driver workforce working for $6 to $16 less an hour, cost savings of retaining a higher number of PT employees, etc. are not addressed.

The Hoffacers, UPS, and UPS shareholders are all privy to what these projected savings are. Wall Street insiders love the proposed garbage CBA.

Dividends, Share price, Profits, and Stock bonus for mgmt will all continue to increase while 22.4s and RPCDs subsidise this POS CBA.

Perhaps someone can crunch the numbers. Say, for example, UPS cuts approximately $20,000 of OT per year per RPCD: What would the $ savings be over the 5 years?

It's a bad deal with PISS POOR language and too many unanswered questions and loopholes affecting major issues in working conditions and wages.

VOTE NO. Send them back to the table. Make certain that they actually start bargaining in good faith and fullfilling their duty of fair representation.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Got our preload sup to read out a little pre-prepared blurb that swayed a bit towards voting yes but nothing that really qualifies as threats or bad-faith bargaining.

Richard Harrow

Enjoy the overtime, as much as u can, if not 22.4 is ready to make cardboard goes around for $6 bucks less, take your overtime, while Stewards will be considering your demands and put u in a waiting list. Good luck!

Perhaps you missed the part where I stated I'm in 177.

Our supplement has a memorandum of understanding regarding 22.4 drivers that gives them their own seniority list and in no way shall violate and interfere with RPCD seniority.