Delivery man
While you are correct in your statement of the minute area of information, the fact stays the same. The vast majority of all injuries/accidents happen to those drivers that have been there less than 5 years. In our center, they make up 55% of total drivers. And account for 87% of all injuries, and 91% of all accidents. While I realize 112 drivers are a small sample, the numbers have remained the same over the last three years.
Of this bunch, most are productive and honest drivers. There is one that likes to play games with stops. Have seen him take lunch for at least an hour, and every 4-6 minutes hit pre-record, stop complete. He does this for the whole hour he is sitting there. Or since he has a lawn service on the side, he mows lawns during lunch, while showing he is delivering. Then when he gets back to the building he take an hour and ten. He is one of the golden boys that produce so they leave him alone, both on production and on injuries/accidents.
We also have other drivers that run scratch, that take their lunch, hustle all day and give the company their monies worth. Management is in their case all the time. And we are not on the bonus system, as management was very uneven as to what a stop is from driver to driver.
But I digress. On Christmas Eve I watched, in horror, a "runner" make 5 or 6 deliveries. The whole time he NEVER used his seat belt, pulled into driveways instead of backing (one had a 10 foot wooden privacy fence right beside the driveway that went all the way to the sidewalk, he had to back all the way out before he could even see what was comming from his blind side). I counted over 10 major safety violations that could have caused and accident. He never closed the bulkhead, jumped out of the package car, ran to the stop,and ran back and jumped into the car.
Pure and simple he is an accident/injury just waiting for a place to happen. He also goes through his truck hours before start time. All this points to not being trained in the proper methods and lack of safety training. Or he has totally disregared all training given to up his production and get in early. All this with managements blessing. Kinda funny but many in his delivery unit have the same manager that trained them, and also have the same problems. And their unit accounts for 89% of all injuries and 82% of accidents. At one time it was 100% for both. My 21 driver unit has 13 of the top 15 in center delivery seniority, and the injuries and accidents are negligable. And their production is not one bit better than ours.
The sample is small, but I think (and the corp. numbers on safety support)that many of the "runners" are doing their jobs very unsafely and therefor need to be targeted to improve the safety performance. That is what we have done over the last 2 1/2 years and it seems to be working(I thought till I saw the guy in the 700 Christmas Eve). It seems we still have a lot of room for improvement.