Marne Vet
Well-Known Member
Why is it called a "trip" where you are Marne Vet, that doesn't make any sense. I know you can't answer that, I'm asking rhetorically. The definition of the word "trip" is totally different to "route", which is in fact what we are bidding on, routes. Why not just call your route a "vacation" or a "journey". Same with floater. I think your center is the only one in the country to use these terms. It's "cover driver" everywhere else.
No, it's not. I can tell you there are 4 Hubs in this area and they all call them trips. We'll call it what we've always called it, and we'll note your opinion in our Doesn't Give A

As for the other topic, the way people speak in "the hood". We all know it's a cultural act.
Not saying we all need to speak similarly but the reality is that most African-Americans continue to have a distinct dialect, white's their own, and so on. Even though we all live among each other. People talk the way they choose to talk. Some African Americans talk without the common dialect, particularly those in professional positions. Then you have Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson who clearly exaggerate their dialect. It's an act. Just as an overly flamboyant gay man exaggerates the way he talks. It's all an act. Funny how their speech completely changes the day they "come out".
Yes, there are legitimate accents, and then their are cultural dialects that are consciously exaggerated. Those in the hood are among them. If they chose to not speak or act the way they do, they could drag themselves out of the hood with a decent job. That's right, I said it.
If you have a problem with this post, too bad.
Why did you assume I worked in a predominantly African American neighborhood because I referred to it as "the hood"? I never said what the predominant race was in any of my posts, but I did say that I live nearby, and grew-up around here. I'm a white 3rd generation Irish kid. It's predominantly Caucasian and Hispanic. It's more ignorance, then a cultural dialect thing.