"Was you knockin' on my door?!" Daily Rant

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Agreed. I'm sure you know my comment was humor. I'd hate to be writing about Dick Nixon and have it printed as Apple Nixon...

Any chance you can work on the internet tough guys that constantly wiggle around the filter by mis-spelling swears?
friend that, friend this
yada yada yada...

Always pissed me off that people do this to shove it in the site owners face when they know it isn't allowed.

Stop being a poopy head.


Well-Known Member
Marne, you are very interesting indeed. I had no problem with you at all, just made a broad based observation. For someone stating you are not angry and only venting, why did you tell me to ignore you rather than just converse about what I said?

This is a web forum, I do not know you personally, and can only form an opinion, by what and how you post. I only made that opinion based recently on a few things. I know how it is out there, so venting IS necessary. Just take into consideration that others on this forum don't always see it the same as you. We only read words.

The thing is, name calling will definitely bring a mod out sniffing and our voices will be shushed. I called someone a DBag (not even the real thing) and I got my hand slapped. If you want to say things, just go about it in a round about way. I'm not defending that member you & many others dislike, hell he's always kicking sand in my face too, but I won't get into it anymore with him. Some kids want attention, even negative attention. But like my mom used to say, people can't fight with you if you say nothing back.

To the other person that is accusing others of shutting out the newbies - WTF? I'm still new and not a driver, so I'm considered dirt here. With so many trolls coming here, you have to be suspicious! I'm not about peace and love either, just about keeping things on the up and up so we don't have to have things removed or censored.

Marne, I won't go away and I won't ignore you, but you're more than welcome to ignore me. I am a daughter of a Army MP and that has taught me a lot. If you want to speak to me, you can do it with your inside voice.


Staff member
Ah yes....the internet comprised of everything you can or cannot imagine...

As far as filtering that's an endless task as there are thousands of combinations... Perhaps a solution would be to delete the entire post and have them start over..:groooansmileyf:

No!!! Definitely don't want all that filtered. It's a relatively FEW of our members that CONSTANTLY do this. Warn them, queu them, ban them. Progressive discipline!

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Marne, you are very interesting indeed. I had no problem with you at all, just made a broad based observation. For someone stating you are not angry and only venting, why did you tell me to ignore you rather than just converse about what I said?

This is a web forum, I do not know you personally, and can only form an opinion, by what and how you post. I only made that opinion based recently on a few things. I know how it is out there, so venting IS necessary. Just take into consideration that others on this forum don't always see it the same as you. We only read words.

The thing is, name calling will definitely bring a mod out sniffing and our voices will be shushed. I called someone a DBag (not even the real thing) and I got my hand slapped. If you want to say things, just go about it in a round about way. I'm not defending that member you & many others dislike, hell he's always kicking sand in my face too, but I won't get into it anymore with him. Some kids want attention, even negative attention. But like my mom used to say, people can't fight with you if you say nothing back.

To the other person that is accusing others of shutting out the newbies - WTF? I'm still new and not a driver, so I'm considered dirt here. With so many trolls coming here, you have to be suspicious! I'm not about peace and love either, just about keeping things on the up and up so we don't have to have things removed or censored.

Marne, I won't go away and I won't ignore you, but you're more than welcome to ignore me. I am a daughter of a Army MP and that has taught me a lot. If you want to speak to me, you can do it with your inside voice.

I was just giving you the same advice I give everyone else that is offended by my comments, or just doesn't like what I have to say. That's all. Plus, 95B "MP" was my secondary MOS. Some things never leave you, and using expletives is a second language for us.


Well-Known Member
I was just giving you the same advice I give everyone else that is offended by my comments, or just doesn't like what I have to say. That's all. Plus, 95B "MP" was my secondary MOS. Some things never leave you, and using expletives is a second language for us.
My first language is curse. It's very unlady like, but it's me. I suppose that is why I like hanging with the boys. It's just that certain people are like lightning rods around here. You make a comment towards them, and the mods are like the DEA - lol.

Oh and I'm angry and working on it.:whiteflag:


nowhere special
My first language is curse. It's very unlady like, but it's me. I suppose that is why I like hanging with the boys. It's just that certain people are like lightning rods around here. You make a comment towards them, and the mods are like the DEA - lol.

Oh and I'm angry and working on it.:whiteflag:
something like this?


Staff member
You gave me wood with all your disciplinary talk.
Well, seeing you asked....

You KNOW certain words are in the filter. So you get around that by spelling them wrong or whatever. To ME, this is the equivalent of being invited over Cheryls house, and when you get there, slapping her in the face.

I got no problem with the occasional swear, but when a newbie starts here and its in almost every post... Well then a mod should PM them, and set him straight (And maybe one has, I wouldn't know).

But if then, you continue to disrespect Cheryl like that, well maybe you just don't belong here.
I would recommend Teamsternet, you may fit in better there.

I'm Over9five, and this is MHO.


Nine Lives
I know. It's a Church meeting for a bunch of Conservative skirts that cringe when they get hard nipples. Got it. Check.
The goal is to be a family friendly site where a member would feel comfortable with a 10 - 12 year old reading over their shoulder. Venting is OK and even encouraged (it seems).

Written communications are different from verbal exchanges. Speech and written communications that one would use in a Church might be a good example ... I guess it depends on the Church.

I don't think Conservative or Liberal has anything to do with it.
The liberals I know speak and write more refined than do my conservative friends ... by a long shot.

People who are secure in themselves don't normally have be crude and belligerent when getting their point across. Perhaps it is just a cultural thing but my observations have been that insecure people resort to such behavior.


Victory Ride
Lady: "Was you knockin on my door?!"

Me: (Four row houses away) "Does it look like I was knocking on your door?"

Lady: "Was you?!?!"

Me: "Seriously? How, with my Go-Go Gadget arms? I'm four houses away ma'am. So no, I was not knocking on your door." *sigh*

I should've known she was an idiot when she said "Was you", instead of "Were you", but that's how people speak in the hood. This is what I deal with every day. Had two complaints from yesterday that were concerns. These are just awesome gems. The first was from a lady that was mad that I told her she would have to show me I.D. every time I delivered from now on. Why? The guy that covered my trip during Peak had three tracers in a row at her house, all Uggz. Seriously? All three DR's were stolen? BS! Complain all ya want, but you'll be doing it as you're holding your drivers license and I'm typing your driver ID number into the remarks area. Lets see ya steal another one.
The second concern was from a lady that said I never bothered to knock or ring the bell. These are my favorite complaints because they're such BS. The package in question was 110 lbs, and it was my third stop of the day yesterday! I wanted to get that monster off of the truck during my airs, but I guess she wasn't awake at 9:45 AM, so of course she called in a concern. I hope when she has to lift that box all by herself today that she gets a prolapsed anus. Google it if you don't know what it is, and yes, that image that's burned into your memory now is what I hope happens to her. Cold as balls, balls deep with deliveries, stupid people, three water main breaks, frozen lights, and finding out the coolest road sup we ever had is now leaving. Oh yeah, fun day. I would drink a beer if it wasn't a work night, so here I am to vent. lol Everyone have a fun day on their trip? Mine was glorious.
LMAO (so to speak) on the prolapsed anus wish!

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
The goal is to be a family friendly site where a member would feel comfortable with a 10 - 12 year old reading over their shoulder. Venting is OK and even encouraged (it seems).

Written communications are different from verbal exchanges. Speech and written communications that one would use in a Church might be a good example ... I guess it depends on the Church.

I don't think Conservative or Liberal has anything to do with it.
The liberals I know speak and write more refined than do my conservative friends ... by a long shot.

People who are secure in themselves don't normally have be crude and belligerent when getting their point across. Perhaps it is just a cultural thing but my observations have been that insecure people resort to such behavior.

People insecure about language often put restrictions on what you can, and can't say. Words aren't offensive. People's perceptions of them are because they're brainwashed by conservative people that think a word like :censored2: is a bad word. Come on. Communication and discussion incorporate all language, not just the part of it you "like". .02

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