Yep he his a class act cat, dresses up suit and tie for get togethersIs he paw lickin' hot?
Oh my, is that what a meat wallet is?
I knew I could count on you girl! Oh I know what those are, just never heard of them referred that way. I've heard the term meat curtains. Oh well, speaking of… going to take my shower - lolLook it up on Not a pretty thing.
I knew I could count on you girl! Oh I know what those are, just never heard of them referred that way. I've heard the term meat curtains. Oh well, speaking of… going to take my shower - lol
"Weeze don't got to go to school man, school is free man, weeze go when we want to!" What I have just posted has been played on a local radio station from an interview with a reporter asking a group of young men why they were in a local mall and not in school. I have heard this played at least 100 times. I know what this tells me...what does it tell you.I guess I just don't understand any of this. Maybe because I teach adult literacy. These people can't read or write and the fear that comes across the faces of them when they have to write is sad. I've seen grown men cry when I ask them to write msomething.
I'm not saying this is the case here, but now I try to not judge so quickly. Yes I hate rude people, but I don't know what they are going through.
I stopped and replied after this post. Sorry if this has been covered.As for the other topic, the way people speak in "the hood". We all know it's a cultural act.
Thank you LBJ for starting the war on poverty....and this is the result. Making people dependent on the government instead of themselves.People graduating from high school who are functionally illiterate is the problem. The schools just pass them along from grade to grade so they can stay in their own age group whether they learned anything or not. And it all starts in the home. If the kids aren't in an environment that tells them education is important they won't study if they even bother to go to school, and they will pass that mindset along to their own children. It is mostly lower income families that do this but not because of race. Poor whites are just as guilty of it as poor blacks. It isn't on the government to get them out of the situation they put themselves in. Possibly a helping hand up but not just a hand out.
So, do you disagree with the statement?I guess I just don't understand any of this. Maybe because I teach adult literacy. These people can't read or write and the fear that comes across the faces of them when they have to write is sad. I've seen grown men cry when I ask them to write me something.
I'm not saying this is the case here, but now I try to not judge so quickly. Yes I hate rude people, but I don't know what they are going through.
I stopped and replied after this post. Sorry if this has been covered.
ACT. Man you hit the nail on the head there
My uncle is a vetranarian and a very no BS man. If they come in talking all "hood". He flat out says you talk regular English or get the friend out of my office. In 15 years he's had one client walk out. He says its amazing they all learn perfect English real quick.
Love your last sentence. They might talk normal if the rest of us refused to speak to them until they spoke correctly.Back before I bid the hood again, I had a very sweet trip in a really nice neighborhood. Probably the best trip I ever ran. There was a Charter school on my trip that was using an old church. Not the classic steeples looking church, but a Brady Bunch 1970's style architectural looking building. Great school, and the kids seemed well behaved. One of my first days delivering there I walked into the office, and there were 3 black women, one white woman sitting behind the counter. Before I could even get a word out the short chubby white lady with thick glasses said "Who dat fo?" Literally spoke it as I just typed it. Who, DAT, FOE? I was floored. Here's someone at a school speaking like a maroon. Without thinking of the consequences I blurted back "'who dat fo?' Please tell me you're not a teacher here. Please tell me you're not teaching these kids how to speak like that. 'who dat fo?!' are you freaking kidding me? It's 'WHO IS THAT FOR...SIR.' OK?" She stood there with a blank stare on her face, obviously a bit embarrassed, and probably a little mad that I corrected her. The other ladies just smirked. A few days later I went back there and the three black women were there, but that chubby white lady was gone. One of the girls said "You know what? The other day when you asked if that other girl that was here was a teacher I wanted to laugh so hard. She's a volunteer, and not a teacher, but we hate how she speaks. She's so hood it's ridiculous. Thank you for saying that." For the four years I ran that trip every single time I delivered there the one girl would always blurt out "WHO DAT FO?" as a joke whenever she saw me. I really miss that stop, and that trip, and always wondered if that dopey lady ever thought about how she came across with all the hood talk after I said something. I can't stand ignorance, and I really don't care if I hurt someone's feelings when I have to correct them when they talk like that. "Who dat fo?" WTF?! No. I won't engage you in conversation if you talk like anmaroon.
In subway I saw one the other day. Pants below his ass and his t shirt tucked into his underwear. I was dumbfounded. Who could possibly think that looks good?We had a young black seasonal loader last peak...good kid but he insisted on wearing his pants like he belted them to his we all get to see his boxers. I can't stand that...
That your radio is stuck on a lousy channel."Weeze don't got to go to school man, school is free man, weeze go when we want to!" What I have just posted has been played on a local radio station from an interview with a reporter asking a group of young men why they were in a local mall and not in school. I have heard this played at least 100 times. I know what this tells me...what does it tell you.
And what is it with houses that have 3, 4, and even 5 doorbells. How the hell am i supposed to know which one to push.
Oh yeah Marne, see if you can read this… so one day me and ***** were walking into a ***** and my **** and a ***** and we ****** and it ****** and she ****** and then I ***** and then we both ****** and then she and her ****** was exposed to her ***** and then my ****** was too.You know if I'm using a phrase, or acronym to describe something that circumvents the forum filters, it can't be good. By the end of the week everything I type will look like this: *****, and ******. I was like **** me in the ***hole, that can't be ******** right. hahahaha
gingerkat said:↑
I guess I just don't understand any of this. Maybe because I teach adult literacy. These people can't read or write and the fear that comes across the faces of them when they have to write is sad. I've seen grown men cry when I ask them to write me something.
I'm not saying this is the case here, but now I try to not judge so quickly. Yes I hate rude people, but I don't know what they are going through.
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Are you asking me if I agree with my own post? Of course silly!just numbers said:So, do you disagree with the statement?
We had a young black seasonal loader last peak...good kid but he insisted on wearing his pants like he belted them to his we all get to see his boxers. I can't stand that...