We did it Boys!!! (Targay)


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.

Ever listen to MSNBC, ABC,CBS,NBC,BBC.....NPR?

Completely controlled by far, far left-wing communist/socialist Democrat liberals. OMG. Every bleeding-heart, fringe, kook idea can be found on mainstream media(see above).

If you vote Democrat.....sigh........you vote perversion. Communism. This isn't simply my stilted opinion. Basic fact. It's everywhere like a plague. Trans, The Squad, BLM on and on. It's on every Liberal(Democrat) controlled media outlet. This isn't arguable and IS settled history.

Interesting though, a lot of the priest stuff.......lot's of religious liberals vote Democrat. Religious liberals are the most dangerous creatures on Earth. Most likely in blue cities.......most of the churches are filled with Democrats.

I agree about no common ground. Please move to Congo or perhaps France to be with your kind.

BTW, guns? "And they can't have mine".........you won't have a choice......the folks you vote for are trying desperately to do just that. You. Are. Voting. To Cut. Your. Own. Throat.

Your rant reads like any Democrat playbook manifesto.

Say, when you see any gay pride freak show parade(covered foremost by any liberal media outlet) is this a "stilted" opinion?

When children's pro-gay library books are proven to be in children's libraries.....and removed...is this opinion? They are there. There wouldn't be such a liberal outrage if not true.....see?

The ongoing theft emergency and violence in blue controlled cities......homeless epidemic......drugs all stilted opinions? You are simply intellectually dishonest.

Children's "gender affirming care"........is this just opinion? Speaking of repulsive.

Listen to any NPR broadcast.......you'll here something gay, trans, BLM, slavery reps and anti-white, white male denigration.....anti-American. All Democrat pillars. To deny or overlook or not acknowledge such is simply to deny reality. You simply walk past it like it's not happening.....it is.

Defund the police? Just stilted opinion?

Now, everything written above is settled history and fact.

You are a liberal. A far left liberal. Your reaction is as predictable as any liberals. As stilted as the day is long.
Both sides are corrupt, every single one of them are pocketing tons of cash, and are controlled by what blackrock and van guard want them to do, including all most all of the ceo's. The WEF is also in control of a lot of stuff.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Inordinately Right
Pretty sad the left has been so easily tricked by these corporations. All they had to do was wave a rainbow flag and Occupy Wall Street is erased from their minds.

Democrat sheep.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Seems to be many here in defense of all this. So I need to ask why. Give me one good reason why a grown adult would want to dress a little boy in a girl's bathing suit with junk tuck pockets other than that they are abusing him? I can't think of any legit, valid reason why that scenario would make any sense under any circumstance. I need to hear your takes. Though I can almost guarantee I won't get any answers.
Still no answers from the defense.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The head of marketing and vice president of brand management for Target is a guy named Carlos Saavedra.
He is also the treasury of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network Carlos. Double duty marketing guy at Target and treasurer of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

$10 billion sucked right out of the kitty.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Bill O'Reilly:
A Update on Woke Backlash. As I said, it's about time, right? So we pretty much broke this story on a national level. This Los Angeles Dodgers honoring at Gay Pride night in June. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is a Catholic Christian hate group. It's not just Catholics they hate. They hate Christians across the board. They have invaded churches. They have defiled the Eucharist on videotape. They have mocked Jesus and Mary. They couldn't be more extreme. Couldn't be. They're getting honored by the Los Angeles Dodgers. And the Los Angeles Times loves it. Loves it. Now if the Proud Boys invaded a Black Baptist church and defiled the Bible or whatever. You think the network news would ignore that? CBS, ABC, NBC did not cover this story in their nightly news. Didn't mention it. That's why we had to break it.

So the corporate media is finished in this country. It's done on every level. There's no growth anywhere. And the recession in viewers and listeners is colossal, which is why you guys are here. Okay. So the Dodgers now are, because they're in full panic mode, have announced that on July 30th, they're going to have a Christian faith and family day at Dodger Stadium. So, I mean, is anybody buying this? It wasn't on the original schedule. Now, they did do this to be fair and accurate, which I always am. In 2019, they had a Christian and Family Day Dodger Stadium. But now they're panicking. And so they're going, Oh, don't hate us. We'll have the Christians in. So my question is to the Dodgers are you going to have a Jesus bobblehead? Is that what you're going to do, like this on Christian and family night? So everybody knows why they're doing this.

But what you don't know is that the marketing director of the Los Angeles Dodgers is a gay activist. That's why this is all happening.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This guy's dad founded AutoTrader.com and he will inherit hundreds of millions.


So he’s got the resources to speak out against Target and stuff like this. Good.

Do you agree with the New York Times that Disney movies for children should include kink?

“The New York Times made an unexpected splash on social media by posting a tweet that called for more “kink” in the live-action remake of the Disney classic “The Little Mermaid.”

The newspaper tweeted a review of the children’s movie by culture critic Wesley Morris on Friday and included an excerpt that slammed the movie for missing “Joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink.”