Wow. Ever listen to AM radio? Completely controlled by Right Wing talkers. There is 1 liberal radio host left locally, and the last network I recall is Air America, which failed over 10 years ago. Walk into almost any bar or restaurant and it's FOX News. truck stop? FOX. Pervasive. Everywhere. Like a plague.
Your rant reads like a rap sheet, which is simply your stilted opinion, not fact(s). Do you really think "we" (Democrats) support perversion, communism, and taking your guns among your other accusations? Not true, even remotely. Pizzagate and all of the pedo crap is just that...disproven crap. I'd like to see the police go and clean out all the perverts like bad clergy, Boy Scout leaders, sick teachers etc. Start with the local archdiocese...please. Guns? There are more guns than people in the US. They can't have mine, nor do we want them. I'd prefer you not have a tank or a bazooka, but Macho 511 culture requires you to display your manhood in lots of ways I find repulsive. Please, move to Texas so you can be with your kind.
No common ground with you, sir, except that you're agnostic and that's fine with me.
Ever listen to MSNBC, ABC,CBS,NBC,BBC.....NPR?
Completely controlled by far, far left-wing communist/socialist Democrat liberals. OMG. Every bleeding-heart, fringe, kook idea can be found on mainstream media(see above).
If you vote vote perversion. Communism. This isn't simply my stilted opinion. Basic fact. It's everywhere like a plague. Trans, The Squad, BLM on and on. It's on every Liberal(Democrat) controlled media outlet. This isn't arguable and IS settled history.
Interesting though, a lot of the priest stuff.......lot's of religious liberals vote Democrat. Religious liberals are the most dangerous creatures on Earth. Most likely in blue cities.......most of the churches are filled with Democrats.
I agree about no common ground. Please move to Congo or perhaps France to be with your kind.
BTW, guns? "And they can't have mine" won't have a choice......the folks you vote for are trying desperately to do just that. You. Are. Voting. To Cut. Your. Own. Throat.
Your rant reads like any Democrat playbook manifesto.
Say, when you see any gay pride freak show parade(covered foremost by any liberal media outlet) is this a "stilted" opinion?
When children's pro-gay library books are proven to be in children's libraries.....and this opinion? They are there. There wouldn't be such a liberal outrage if not true.....see?
The ongoing theft emergency and violence in blue controlled cities......homeless epidemic......drugs all stilted opinions? You are simply intellectually dishonest.
Children's "gender affirming care" this just opinion? Speaking of repulsive.
Listen to any NPR'll here something gay, trans, BLM, slavery reps and anti-white, white male denigration.....anti-American. All Democrat pillars. To deny or overlook or not acknowledge such is simply to deny reality. You simply walk past it like it's not is.
Defund the police? Just stilted opinion?
Now, everything written above is settled history and fact.
You are a liberal. A far left liberal. Your reaction is as predictable as any liberals. As stilted as the day is long.