We did it Boys!!! (Targay)


Well-Known Member
The harder the far right-wing rages against tolerance and acceptance of their fellow American the more they'll lose in electoral politics. Most Americans see the hyperventilating over this issue as out of line because most Americans know or love someone that's LGBTQ+... and the voters will punish the extremists like they have been come election time. :)
Most love or know socially and biologically deviant and perhaps(most likely) psychological defectives?

Well true. I know a couple through my wife's friends and co-workers. Love? Uh know.

And will vote against them every time. Not give them my money. Help their trans whatever causes.......gender neutral whatever. Nope. Boycott their businesses. Yep.

In reality.....that's MOST folks.

And really.....99.9%(more probably)
are against gender neutrality....like grown men in girls bathrooms.......


Bad Moon Risen'
Seems to me a lot of Christians were very upset and discouraged by what has gone on at the Catholic Church. I wasn't aware the National Geographic showed graphic sexual acts. Why are you defending schools, especially elementary and middle schools, having books that graphically describe sex acts?
Little boys have to learn where to put the tallywhacker.


Well-Known Member
As I stated, I'm not up on what's in school libraries. Given the Far Right tendency to over react, it's probably much tamer than you're stating. Like I said, check out some of the manga books out there if you're interested in queer romance, and highly sexualized content both homo and hetero.
Here's my "walking, talking, liberal" resume.
1. Gun owner (multiple). Buying more powerful weapons and stockpiling ammo to protect me from The Right.
2. Concealed Carry holder
3. Death penalty supporter
4.Police Supporter
5. Critic of the BLM overreach, especially into the media. I'm tired of seeing Blacks OVER-represented constantly in commercials and TV shows. While I support BLM, I don't want social justice crammed down my throat constantly. BTW, my wife is Black, and she sees the same thing.
6. I drive a couple of very politically incorrect vehicles.
If that's a standard liberal, I'd be pretty surprised.
Well all that's left is to vote for DeSantis. There's hope for you yet.


Well-Known Member
As I stated, I'm not up on what's in school libraries. Given the Far Right tendency to over react, it's probably much tamer than you're stating. Like I said, check out some of the manga books out there if you're interested in queer romance, and highly sexualized content both homo and hetero.
Here's my "walking, talking, liberal" resume.
1. Gun owner (multiple). Buying more powerful weapons and stockpiling ammo to protect me from The Right.
2. Concealed Carry holder
3. Death penalty supporter
4.Police Supporter
5. Critic of the BLM overreach, especially into the media. I'm tired of seeing Blacks OVER-represented constantly in commercials and TV shows. While I support BLM, I don't want social justice crammed down my throat constantly. BTW, my wife is Black, and she sees the same thing.
6. I drive a couple of very politically incorrect vehicles.
If that's a standard liberal, I'd be pretty surprised.

Impressive resume. We have a fair amount in common.

I'm interpreting that the bulk of your complaints are with the far Right religious types. I once saw a bumper sticker that read something like: "Dear Jesus. Please protect me from your followers." I've been laughing about that ever since. It is a delightful gem when truth and irony come together in such few words. It's one of my favorites.

A years-long series of multiple significant negative experiences with neighboring land-owners during my early teen years are responsible for influencing the political leanings and worldview I have today. These people were a 30-something yo childless man/wife couple, and newcomers to our area. They harassed me, my parents, and every other neighbor adult and child who bordered their property in every way possible. They were absolutely toxic and malicious. I can't count how many times the sheriff visited our property and others in order to follow up on complaints from those people.

Suffice to say, these people made no friends. Everybody hated them. It was a much smaller town then, and the residents and business owners simply closed ranks, refused to do business with them, and made their lives miserable in every passive-aggressive way imaginable. Secretly listening in on the conversations adults had talking about them, I am surprised they weren't murdered. But then, I'm not absolutely positive about that either. LOL! One day about two years in, moving trucks arrived to their very large newly-built home and I never saw them or their matching fancy brand-new Mercedes Diesel station wagons ever again.

As a dumb kid, I had no idea what I was looking at. As the critters I observed were at that time unknown to my area. As years went by and as I was becoming aware of politics I realized that was my first-ever experiences with what is a prototype of what are known today as: Rich White Liberals.

Am I wrong to guess that you had significant negative childhood experiences with Far Right Religious Lunatics?


Well-Known Member
Impressive resume. We have a fair amount in common.

I'm interpreting that the bulk of your complaints are with the far Right religious types. I once saw a bumper sticker that read something like: "Dear Jesus. Please protect me from your followers." I've been laughing about that ever since. It is a delightful gem when truth and irony come together in such few words. It's one of my favorites.

A years-long series of multiple significant negative experiences with neighboring land-owners during my early teen years are responsible for influencing the political leanings and worldview I have today. These people were a 30-something yo childless man/wife couple, and newcomers to our area. They harassed me, my parents, and every other neighbor adult and child who bordered their property in every way possible. They were absolutely toxic and malicious. I can't count how many times the sheriff visited our property and others in order to follow up on complaints from those people.

Suffice to say, these people made no friends. Everybody hated them. It was a much smaller town then, and the residents and business owners simply closed ranks, refused to do business with them, and made their lives miserable in every passive-aggressive way imaginable. Secretly listening in on the conversations adults had talking about them, I am surprised they weren't murdered. But then, I'm not absolutely positive about that either. LOL! One day about two years in, moving trucks arrived to their very large newly-built home and I never saw them or their matching fancy brand-new Mercedes Diesel station wagons ever again.

As a dumb kid, I had no idea what I was looking at. As the critters I observed were at that time unknown to my area. As years went by and as I was becoming aware of politics I realized that was my first-ever experiences with what is a prototype of what are known today as: Rich White Liberals.

Am I wrong to guess that you had significant negative childhood experiences with Far Right Religious Lunatics?
He's an equal opportunity hater of all conservatives. Especially of the Republican persuasion.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
My answer is leave them alone. If they want to have a parade, don't attend. Same with Gay Pride Month. If you're Conservative, ignore it as you would Black Pride Month etc. The only pronouns which confound me are "they" and "them" which usually denote plurality. I just spent 2 weeks in San Francisco and the big issue was homelessness, not LGBTQ. I saw a handful of obviously gay people and exactly 2 who were trans. No parading around in front of kids etc. and no drama at all. If you want your outrage go the Pride Parade next month where it gets pretty weird. But, that's their parade, right? I've never been, but my wife said she went once and was so uncomfortable she left after 5 minutes. Pretty out there..
The wedding cake cases are pure drama IMO. If a baker won't bake your cake because you're gay, just go to another one who will. If I were the shop owner, I'd want the business and would avoid the adverse publicity. But, you also need to respect the beliefs of the owner.
I don't see a gay "takeover"...ever. There are too few of them and the idea that they "recruit" and "groom" any more or less than heteros is false. Nobody is in danger unless you have those tendencies already, and science says gay is hard-wired, as in you know by a young age which way you swing.
Speaking of extreme, are you OK with 3 Percenters, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers are the various other militia type groups? While I disagree with them, your side seems fine with their antics....marches, rallies etc. What about the kids? Or extreme Christians who force their kids to follow in their own footsteps? We have all sorts of extremists.
Doesn't look like they are stopping just at their door..


Engorged Member
Impressive resume. We have a fair amount in common.

I'm interpreting that the bulk of your complaints are with the far Right religious types. I once saw a bumper sticker that read something like: "Dear Jesus. Please protect me from your followers." I've been laughing about that ever since. It is a delightful gem when truth and irony come together in such few words. It's one of my favorites.

A years-long series of multiple significant negative experiences with neighboring land-owners during my early teen years are responsible for influencing the political leanings and worldview I have today. These people were a 30-something yo childless man/wife couple, and newcomers to our area. They harassed me, my parents, and every other neighbor adult and child who bordered their property in every way possible. They were absolutely toxic and malicious. I can't count how many times the sheriff visited our property and others in order to follow up on complaints from those people.

Suffice to say, these people made no friends. Everybody hated them. It was a much smaller town then, and the residents and business owners simply closed ranks, refused to do business with them, and made their lives miserable in every passive-aggressive way imaginable. Secretly listening in on the conversations adults had talking about them, I am surprised they weren't murdered. But then, I'm not absolutely positive about that either. LOL! One day about two years in, moving trucks arrived to their very large newly-built home and I never saw them or their matching fancy brand-new Mercedes Diesel station wagons ever again.

As a dumb kid, I had no idea what I was looking at. As the critters I observed were at that time unknown to my area. As years went by and as I was becoming aware of politics I realized that was my first-ever experiences with what is a prototype of what are known today as: Rich White Liberals.

Am I wrong to guess that you had significant negative childhood experiences with Far Right Religious Lunatics?
I come from a Far Right family. My late father introduced us to guns (and gun safety) when I was 7 or 8. I got my Ruger .22 when I was 11 and still have it today. My Mom and family were really religious and I always knew it was BS. I escaped from Vacation Bible School and walked 6 miles home. After a good dose of leather belt, I was forced back the next day and once more trekked 6 miles,evading the minister and several teachers by using the woods. It has always been pure Fool-Aid to me, and that bumper sticker (one of my favorites) is a personal mantra. The higher I climbed educationally, the less sense it made, and it never made sense in the first place.
Far Left Libs (aka Berkeley types) annoy me about the same as Far Right Bible Bangers. Both are insane and you will never find common ground with either. Somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot and where the truth resides.
I have lots of Conservative friends and family and we can always talk about cars, trucks, guns, airplanes or almost anything but politics and religion. There is still a lot of common ground between most people, even if they agree to disagree politically.
Some days I think we're heading toward civil war and others, I come across someone from the other side that still mostly makes sense. It gives me a small measure of hope.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why are you defending schools, especially elementary and middle schools, having books that graphically describe sex acts?
Little boys have to learn where to put the tallywhacker.
Some days I think we're heading toward civil war