What are you listening to? Part 6


Well-Known Member
Led Zeppelin


Well-Known Member
There is hope for "actual" music and guitar playing in general.

Rap.... is not music.
Great stuff, I'd give my left nut to see the guy in 40 years, good now, like bourbon and whiskey, it gets better with time.
Actually if I saw the guy in 40 years I'd give him my left nut no matter, why do I need it anyway?


Amatuer Malthusian
Great stuff, I'd give my left nut to see the guy in 40 years, good now, like bourbon and whiskey, it gets better with time.
Actually if I saw the guy in 40 years I'd give him my left nut no matter, why do I need it anyway?
I suspect he will not be around in 40 years judging from what I see. He could be the next Robert Cray if he had some original material and lost some weight. Probably has high blood pressure too. He is a very good player, but I have a hard time seeing him live long. BB King was an exception.


Well-Known Member
I suspect he will not be around in 40 years judging from what I see. He could be the next Robert Cray if he had some original material and lost some weight. Probably has high blood pressure too. He is a very good player, but I have a hard time seeing him live long. BB King was an exception.
I don't disagree, I think you are on spot. I hope the best for the guy, he's talented.