What would you ask Dennis?

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
You are in the queue for violating our rules

You are trolling and calling out a mod. Not okay. I would have deleted that post if a mod hadn't approved it before I read it because it had been reported.

You have no way to know which mod deletes your posts, so it undermines your credibility that you claim to know.

Our staff does not review all of the content posted here. We rely on the members to report inappropriate content so that it can be reviewed by the moderators and appropriate action taken when necessary. Content will not be deleted or altered for the purpose of distorting the pattern of opinion in any given discussion. The sole purpose of content editing or deletion is to remove inappropriate content and enforce these Terms of Service and House Rules.

Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the public forum. If you have any concerns or questions about a staff decision, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.
Ok, Thank you. :)


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You are in the queue for violating our rules

You are trolling and calling out a mod. Not okay. I would have deleted that post if a mod hadn't approved it before I read it because it had been reported.

You have no way to know which mod deletes your posts, so it undermines your credibility that you claim to know.

Our staff does not review all of the content posted here. We rely on the members to report inappropriate content so that it can be reviewed by the moderators and appropriate action taken when necessary. Content will not be deleted or altered for the purpose of distorting the pattern of opinion in any given discussion. The sole purpose of content editing or deletion is to remove inappropriate content and enforce these Terms of Service and House Rules.

Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the public forum. If you have any concerns or questions about a staff decision, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.

Yeah, what she said.



Got the T-Shirt
Has this "tentative agreement" been deemed a "last and final offer"?

That would have been a question to ask the Central Region Director.

He was at your Locals' contract review meeting.

Dennis....why is managment required to make up things on our Safety ride even if they cant find one thing wrong they still are are required to find 8 things wrong? How about UPS stop falsifying our saftey performance!

If the company hasn't tried to discipline you.... who cares ?

It's not a contract violation.

Ha ha.

The pilar of truth and justice (TDU) is joke.

For years.... all their propaganda has been a thinly veiled web of distortion.

And I don't see where, they were direct quotes or had the members name attached.



Lunch is the best part of the day
Why subcontract more feeder work? Why not take loads off the rail as drivers are trained? Why is the work 100% subcontracted and then we slowly get that work back over 5 years.

Frankie's Friend

Any word from this meeting? What kind of reception did he get?

And that was just management .

Mr Mcfeely

Shpeedy Delivery!
I might have a chance to ask Dennis questions this Saturday.

What would you ask him?

If I get the chance I’ll give you his response.

I would ask why its so hard to clean up/enforce the 9.5 language and to bring in more full time drivers? 22.4 skirts around it imo. We don't have the sat - sun delivery in my center. So whoopie!

browned out

Well-Known Member
UPS falsifying safety rides is dishonest. When my on car sups drives; I make a note of every mistake they make. I am the only professional driver and industrial athlete in the vehicle so I am qualified to actually find METHODS and procedure violations.

The Teamsters hijacking drivers photos and putting comments next to their pictures is a shameful, misleading, no INTEGRITY move.

Taylor did not and won't answer the questions we deserve answers to. Instead the butt-puppet tries to scare us into believing a strike is possible. What a joke. TDU, Teamsters United, etc DO NOT WANT TO STRIKE.

I would have maybe had a speck of respect for Taylor if he would have just said....if you don't vote yes on this contract.. then we will force it thru.
Dennis, you are piece of fear mongering garbage.

Answer these questions that have been asked 100s of times.

Why is a 22.4 guaranteed 8 hours a day while an RPCD is Not? You came up with the new language guaranteeing the 22.4s 8 hours; stands to reason that you should have put the same language in for RPCDs. No???

Who has the 1st right to OT?

Why would you create a position with no OT protections EVER?

Why isn't OT offered on a voluntary basis 1st and then forced in reverse?

And don't B.S. us on the amount of routes that will be cut on Mondays and Tuesdays. More routes will be cut.

Slug Life

When do we eat?
Newsflash this just in. Most of the Union is and has been in bed with the Union for a very long time. Your only hope is Fred Z. & The Boston Bully.
Best of Wishes.