Where, Oh Where, is my DIAD?


Just spoke to my center manager, who, when asked about which pictures were of the conduct unbecoming sort, said, any pictures with indentifiers. I took that as truck numbers, or that sort of thing. He said that the reason "they" got me, was because I didn't hide who I am. So I guess he's saying, as long as no faces are shown or any identifiers, it's okay.

I asked him that question, because I was unsure of exactly what it was I had done wrong. The one that kept coming back in response was the one of me "photoshopped" on top of the FedEx truck. My face was clear as day in that one, as in many others. I told him that, though I don't find that any of the pictures cause a slight against UPS, that "I" would be obedient and not post those types of pictures anymore. My take from the whole thing was, if you're anonymous, I guess it's okay.


respect my authority
Just spoke to my center manager, who, when asked about which pictures were of the conduct unbecoming sort, said, any pictures with indentifiers. I took that as truck numbers, or that sort of thing. He said that the reason "they" got me, was because I didn't hide who I am. So I guess he's saying, as long as no faces are shown or any identifiers, it's okay.

I asked him that question, because I was unsure of exactly what it was I had done wrong. The one that kept coming back in response was the one of me "photoshopped" on top of the FedEx truck. My face was clear as day in that one, as in many others. I told him that, though I don't find that any of the pictures cause a slight against UPS, that "I" would be obedient and not post those types of pictures anymore. My take from the whole thing was, if you're anonymous, I guess it's okay.

Do you know how they knew you was on here.


Do you know how they knew you was on here.

Here's how they found me......Hello?


Prblm found,part on order
I think it's unfortunate you've gone through so much trouble for something so innocent and just making us laugh a little bit! I wonder how much money went into searching the BC, putting together the paperwork and them meeting with you on this, they really aren't that busy in your area Huh STUG?:biting:


I think it's unfortunate you've gone through so much trouble for something so innocent and just making us laugh a little bit! I wonder how much money went into searching the BC, putting together the paperwork and them meeting with you on this, they really aren't that busy in your area Huh STUG?:biting:

Was thinking about changing my name to, notstevetheupsguy, and my avatar would be the same one, except my back would face the camera, LOL.:wink2:


Prblm found,part on order
Was thinking about changing my name to, notstevetheupsguy, and my avatar would be the same one, except my back would face the camera, LOL.:wink2:

You should just photo shop the coolest Smiley face on your shoulders of the avatar picture your currently using! I think that would kick asss!:beerhat: ........ Well you get the idea.


Staff member
Just spoke to my center manager, who, when asked about which pictures were of the conduct unbecoming sort, said, any pictures with indentifiers. I took that as truck numbers, or that sort of thing. He said that the reason "they" got me, was because I didn't hide who I am.

I think your center manager is a liar. I don't believe there is a "they". It's just one small man.

I think that because he has brought so much negative attention to the company by trying to fire you, he is probably looking at being downsized. All he has done is to put himself under the big magnifying glass.