Where, Oh Where, is my DIAD?


respect my authority
I think i may be the pissy one and perhaps should have just stayed off computer today.

I am just so sickened by how they stugged him that i want every detail so i can inform others that don't use B/C

I pass a lot of knowledge i get from you guys here to people who wan't to know.

and i am just so sick of not working

I go back to my doctor the 11th and have made my UPS doctors appoinment for the same day.

hopefully i am cleared by both, although i have no idea what UPS doctor will put me through to see if my knee is ok?

Worried i am going to get the run around hope not.

because i need to go back to work, and it has to be soon.

anyway just worried about bills, and going back to work,

and bieng stugged somehow.


I think i may be the pissy one and perhaps should have just stayed off computer today.

I am just so sickened by how they stugged him that i want every detail so i can inform others that don't use B/C

I pass a lot of knowledge i get from you guys here to people who wan't to know.

and i am just so sick of not working

I go back to my doctor the 11th and have made my UPS doctors appoinment for the same day.

hopefully i am cleared by both, although i have no idea what UPS doctor will put me through to see if my knee is ok?

Worried i am going to get the run around hope not.

because i need to go back to work, and it has to be soon.

anyway just worried about bills, and going back to work,

and bieng stugged somehow.
Sweetie, stop and take a deep breath. You're gonna be fine. Yes you may have to run around (or get the run around) and you'll deal with it if it happens. I know it's easy for me to say, I'm working and you aren't. I'm not trying to discount what you are going thru. I promise. Always remember, we are here for you. There is always someone that is in a worse position than you are.

As far as what happened to Steve, and I would bet that Steve would agree with me on this, let it go. It sucked that it happened, but there is no use in crying over spilled milk (or worrying about it). Chalk it up to a learning experience and let it go. There is not one single person here that will ever forget what happened to Steve and everyone of us learned something from it.

Take a deep breath and think about the good things that you have in your life.


Well-Known Member
Sweetie, stop and take a deep breath. You're gonna be fine. Yes you may have to run around (or get the run around) and you'll deal with it if it happens. I know it's easy for me to say, I'm working and you aren't. I'm not trying to discount what you are going thru. I promise. Always remember, we are here for you. There is always someone that is in a worse position than you are.

As far as what happened to Steve, and I would bet that Steve would agree with me on this, let it go. It sucked that it happened, but there is no use in crying over spilled milk (or worrying about it). Chalk it up to a learning experience and let it go. There is not one single person here that will ever forget what happened to Steve and everyone of us learned something from it.

Take a deep breath and think about the good things that you have in your life.
Diili I think I'm going to print that out and put it somewhere to read when I'm bummed out, I hope it helps backinbrown, that was good.:wink2:


Sweetie, stop and take a deep breath. You're gonna be fine. Yes you may have to run around (or get the run around) and you'll deal with it if it happens. I know it's easy for me to say, I'm working and you aren't. I'm not trying to discount what you are going thru. I promise. Always remember, we are here for you. There is always someone that is in a worse position than you are.

As far as what happened to Steve, and I would bet that Steve would agree with me on this, let it go. It sucked that it happened, but there is no use in crying over spilled milk (or worrying about it). Chalk it up to a learning experience and let it go. There is not one single person here that will ever forget what happened to Steve and everyone of us learned something from it.

Take a deep breath and think about the good things that you have in your life.

Thanks to everyone for all the concern. I got home from preload and the work comp Dr, got on here a bit and took a long nap. Back to driving in the morning. My ankle is fine right now, but I have a herniated disc in my upper back. I was referred to an Orthopedic Dr. to see what can be done about this. Until this appointment, I'm back to full duty.

I expect that since I've been out, I'll get a safety ride tomorrow, and then be back to normal on Wednesday. I'll keep everyone up to date on the back situation. I should have taken a picture of myself at work this morning. I took it upon myself to clean all of the driver DIAD"s, LOL. Man, were those things filthy.

Hey bib, just like I told you before, no worries, man. I could have just not said anything about what mgmt did, or being hurt, but that's not the way I roll. I want people to know the good and bad that goes on here at UPS. Maybe someone will see this and learn something. Maybe someone will get a laugh out of my antics. One thing for sure, people will know that I'm a real flesh and blood person, that laughs and cries like the rest of us.

This is why I chose and still choose to post under my actual name and picture. The DIAD pictures were an absolute blast, and that's why I think we should continue this idea, maybe with something that isn't as offensive to UPS.

Dilli, that was a great post, and I hope it puts bib's mind at ease. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'll give you the answers, warts and all.


Are you turning into a toad? Toady!:happy-very:

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Well-Known Member
Dilli, that was a great post, and I hope it puts bib's mind at ease.
I nominate Dilli as bc go to person (therapist?) when we're feelin' down.


I've started my new idea. Hope this will be as entertaining as DIAD's.

My 2 youngest girls, My share the road license plate and My boy.


Well-Known Member
Stug I was trying to think of a way for you to continue this thread withoug using a diad or anything UPS would find objectionable. I think that's a great idea. Just use that prinout in place of your diad for funny pics and lotsa laffs!


Tea anyone ?
I think your center manager is a liar. I don't believe there is a "they". It's just one small man.

I think that because he has brought so much negative attention to the company by trying to fire you, he is probably looking at being downsized. All he has done is to put himself under the big magnifying glass.

I disagree, I`m pretty sure that upper mngmt browses through these threads regularly, Its the perfect way to see whats going on with your company/employees. Use it to your advantage. (eg. tacos and beer) enough said. I posted a thread last august with the recording of LP interigating me and the union contacted me within 24 hours telling me to take it down becuase it would harm my arbitration, brown cafe was nice enough to remove the thread I started at my request. I was also contacted by YOUTUBE recently, the same recording that I had on posted on their website was removed at the request of UPS and I was warned that posting it again would meen the deletion of my acount. Theres no way a center manager has that much pull.