Has anyone noticed the central states supplement? If you leave before 2028 you'll get $500 more on your pension. But after that its 500 less. Wierd how the raises are ballooned to the end of the contract when they're inticing all the old guys to leave. They wont have to pay the older guys cuz they'll be gone. And the younger guys will be in progression. Thats the sneaky stuff they're slipping by us. Its a $400 pension bump. Its something. But most will never get to 35 full time yrs of service based on the fact we waited for 10yrs to get full time. I been here 28yrs. (9.5 pt, rest ft) Ive never voted yes for a contract yet. And wont be voting yes on this one either. I dont like how its structured. I dont thin its enough to call it historical. And after reading thru its entirety yesterday, there is nothing that really i find "historic". In fact, the more i read it the less i like it. They did a good job for the part timers. But the company was gonna have to do that for their benefit anyway based on not being able to keep consistent help for the part time shifts. Target pays high school cashiers $22hr here. No new hire sticking it out in a hot trailer when everyone else in town pays over $20/hr for a lot easier jobs. So that increase helps the company as much as the part timers. The splitting of the raise structure breakdown i dont like. And the extra $500 for the pension if you leave in the next 5 is just a way to push out the older guys fighting on the next contract. They are setting up for the next one already and trying to sell it to part timers in raises. (Like they are showing.) To me its a sneaky backdoor tactic so they can try to adjust something later. Its a NO vote from me.
Also, where is the improved 9.5 protections? As of july 5th they said its 4x penalty pay. In this contract presented yesterday its not there. No improvements. 3x didnt stop them the last 5yrs, so what makes anyone think it will stop them the next 5?