Who will the teamsters endorse.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The fact that you live your life thinking the union is the only thing that matters to the majority of us is beyond laughable. Father Union is very important it is not everything. The fact that you are going to overlook everything that the Democrats are doing that a lot of people don't like is telling enough about who's actually being manipulated.
Most of us actually look at all of the issues as a whole and pick who we think is going to align best with the majority and the important in our lives. You would be well advised to start looking at candidates and how they feel yourself before you become another part-time car washer
Perfection is not attainable, so never let it become the enemy of the good. 80, even 70% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Children have a hard time with that concept.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Jimmy Carter signed the deregulation legislation Republicans put it on steroids.

I’m under no illusions that either side really cares about us that was a partisan vote. They weren’t gonna vote with Democrats because they were not going to get the credit. Politics is a dirty game.

This is not to take away from the fact that I am grateful that they actually did do it and that we did not have to drag it out further, but make no mistake. Something would’ve gotten done no matter what because there was a possibility that those pensions going belly up would’ve hurt the economy and quite possibly put UPS out of business with their unfunded liabilities.
They broke it, they fixed it. I have no problem with that.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Perfection is not attainable, so never let it become the enemy of the good. 80, even 70% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Children have a hard time with that concept.
Unfortunately it used to only be children having a hard time with that concept now you've got man children like a few one here that can't seem to understand that
Jimmy Carter signed the deregulation legislation Republicans put it on steroids.

I’m under no illusions that either side really cares about us that was a partisan vote. They weren’t gonna vote with Democrats because they were not going to get the credit. Politics is a dirty game.

This is not to take away from the fact that I am grateful that they actually did do it and that we did not have to drag it out further, but make no mistake. Something would’ve gotten done no matter what because there was a possibility that those pensions going belly up would’ve hurt the economy and quite possibly put UPS out of business with their unfunded liabilities.
there are plenty of bipartisan bills that get passed, with both republicans and democrats voting on it. Voting by politicians is not just about getting credit, but putting it on record where you stand on the issue. Republicans made it very clear they don’t care about our pensions.


Well-Known Member
there are plenty of bipartisan bills that get passed, with both republicans and democrats voting on it. Voting by politicians is not just about getting credit, but putting it on record where you stand on the issue. Republicans made it very clear they don’t care about our pensions.
Let’s be very clear they fixed it temporarily. Sean Obrian is attempting to fix it permanently. This is his vision if you have a problem with it, take it up with him. And just a couple more decades there won’t be a pension and they may not be a Union. His opinion is we’re going to work with whoever gives us the best opportunity to carry on. Not just give us the scraps.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Let’s be very clear they fixed it temporarily. Sean Obrian is attempting to fix it permanently. This is his vision if you have a problem with it, take it up with him. And just a couple more decades there won’t be a pension and they may not be a Union. His opinion is we’re going to work with whoever gives us the best opportunity to carry on. Not just give us the scraps.
That’s correct. The union was given a fresh slate with our pensions. Let’s see what they do. Can’t blame anyone if they fail.


Well-Known Member
That’s correct. The union was given a fresh slate with our pensions. Let’s see what they do. Can’t blame anyone if they fail.
Best estimates is we have about 25 years. And we’ve all seen how those estimates end up being on the low side. Lots of work to do until then 25 years is not very long in the grand scheme.
The 1980 bill that Jimmy Carter signed deregulating the trucking industry put hundreds of trucking companies out of business that paid into our pensions, leaving orphans.
And what about republicans enacting right to work states? Our own union says the purpose of that is to bankrupt unions

It’s just bizarre to me that republicans can go on public record saying they don’t want to save our pension, and people like @UnionStrong can’t even criticize them for that. Hyper partisan politics is causing people to vote against their own self interests


Well-Known Member
And what about republicans enacting right to work states? Our own union says the purpose of that is to bankrupt unions

It’s just bizarre to me that republicans can go on public record saying they don’t want to save our pension, and people like @UnionStrong can’t even criticize them for that. Hyper partisan politics is causing people to vote against their own self interests
Indeed, it is to bankrupt our unions, But there’s a lot of other legislation, including that coming down the pike, we will have to see who’s really on our side, especially with automation and driverless trucks. O’Brien feels he has people on both sides that will support us. Like I said that is his vision and what he’s working on.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Indeed, it is to bankrupt our unions, But there’s a lot of other legislation, including that coming down the pike, we will have to see who’s really on our side, especially with automation and driverless trucks. O’Brien feels he has people on both sides that will support us. Like I said that is his vision and what he’s working on.
1.3 million votes is a powerful incentive


Well-Known Member
And what about republicans enacting right to work states? Our own union says the purpose of that is to bankrupt unions

It’s just bizarre to me that republicans can go on public record saying they don’t want to save our pension, and people like @UnionStrong can’t even criticize them for that. Hyper partisan politics is causing people to vote against their own self interests
And again it’s difficult to argue with the outcome over the last 40 years we’ve been spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. In fact shrinking. Especially as a private sector union Some of it was self-inflicted. Some of it was inflicted by Republicans and some was inflicted by Democrats. O’Brien says it’s time for politicians to put up or shut up if they’re on our side. We cannot continue to languish. Status quo got us where we are. Real leaders that make change are rarely quiet or not controversial. We shall see how this pans out for him.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And again it’s difficult to argue with the outcome over the last 40 years we’ve been spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. In fact shrinking. Especially as a private sector union Some of it was self-inflicted. Some of it was inflicted by Republicans and some was inflicted by Democrats. O’Brien says it’s time for politicians to put up or shut up if they’re on our side. We cannot continue to languish. Status quo got us where we are. Real leaders that make change are you rarely quiet or not controversial. We shall see how this pans out for him.

And again it’s difficult to argue with the outcome over the last 40 years we’ve been spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. In fact shrinking. Especially as a private sector union Some of it was self-inflicted. Some of it was inflicted by Republicans and some was inflicted by Democrats. O’Brien says it’s time for politicians to put up or shut up if they’re on our side. We cannot continue to languish. Status quo got us where we are. Real leaders that make change are rarely quiet or not controversial. We shall see how this pans out for him.
The thing is though, as of now democrats are undeniably more pro union than republicans. Trump wouldn’t pledge to veto right to work like the teamsters press release said, republicans didn’t vote to protect our pensions, Republican judges are currently working to get rid of the NLRB and trump was just praising Elon Musk for firing striking workers


Well-Known Member
The thing is though, as of now democrats are undeniably more pro union than republicans. Trump wouldn’t pledge to veto right to work like the teamsters press release said, republicans didn’t vote to protect our pensions, Republican judges are currently working to get rid of the NLRB and trump was just praising Elon Musk for firing striking workers
And the international endorced no one . And by doing that we’ve been in the news now, more than in years at election time.

Think about that, he just didn’t do anything and everyone is talking about us. 😂🤔🤘