Who will the teamsters endorse.


Inordinately Right
I'm sure Nazi moderator was going crazy for the past month not being able to creep up on me and anyone else in the corner bar

What a piece of garbage


66% voted and the numbers didn't add up, elegible not registered they said, oh well lol. Most unpopular vice 2 monht ago is tied with a real life rubber duck and bullet dodger, oh well lol, 6 to 3 make no difference, no call. Not funny anymore.


Well-Known Member
66% voted and the numbers didn't add up, elegible not registered they said, oh well lol. Most unpopular vice 2 monht ago is tied with a real life rubber duck and bullet dodger, oh well lol, 6 to 3 make no difference, no call. Not funny anymore.
66% ? I haven’t heard that statistic. It was far less than that that percent of members that voted in this presidential poll. It was still substantial, but far less than 66%.


You smell that?
Government broke it, government pretends they are the savior that fixed it when they in fact are the reason it’s broken

That's what I tell anyone that ever brings up our pension bailout. It's shocking the people that believe the Teamsters just straight up stole that money.

They love to holler fake news but they'll blindly believe something so demonstrably false.

Have we been told if every Teamster was surveyed or if it was just a sample number of people?


Well-Known Member
That's what I tell anyone that ever brings up our pension bailout. It's shocking the people that believe the Teamsters just straight up stole that money.

They love to holler fake news but they'll blindly believe something so demonstrably false.

Have we been told if every Teamster was surveyed or if it was just a sample number of people?
Definitely a sample.