Who will the teamsters endorse.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I did hear it from a good source it wouldn’t be Trump for sure. I know I’m not in the majority on here but knowing this I am happy O’Brien did it the way he did. Let both sides know you don’t automatically get our endorsement. He had his hands tied. He needed to go with Harris but the member’s voice took that off the table
There will be consequences for his decision.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It’s like a funeral at CNN over the news that the Teamsters won’t endorse Kamala Harris, and that most of the union’s members back Trump.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
lol. Hence the conundrum
A little pressure may be a good thing. The union is a 2 edge sword. I am forever grateful to be a retired teamster with a pension, and I recognize that they gave me protection while I worked, as long as I held up my end. But let’s not be naive, politics is a huge factor.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
There will be consequences for his decision.
Already know of a few that are threatening to pull union dues (right to work states). They are pissed that they are not listening to the rank and file with a vast majority in those polls. It is definitely not a good look if you're going to release the numbers. If he wanted to do the non endorsement he should have left the polls anonymous, looked at the data, And then made the decision that neither candidate was a good fit for our values as teamsters.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It is definitely not a good look if you're going to release the numbers. If he wanted to do the non endorsement he should have left the polls anonymous, looked at the data, And then made the decision that neither candidate was a good fit for our values as teamsters.
Exactly. It was unnecessary. They lie and obfuscate over less important things. You are absolutely correct in your assessment.


Well-Known Member
A little pressure may be a good thing. The union is a 2 edge sword. I am forever grateful to be a retired teamster with a pension, and I recognize that they gave me protection while I worked, as long as I held up my end. But let’s not be naive, politics is a huge factor.
Here’s how I view it. I’m very pro union and our brothers and sisters should support each other even when we disagree. If you’re gonna pull your union card then just quit and go work elsewhere.
But in the political realm there are a thousand other things that weigh in on our lives that has a lot of impact on us also. We have to decide who represents us most

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Here’s how I view it. I’m very pro union and our brothers and sisters should support each other even when we disagree. If you’re gonna pull your union card then just quit and go work elsewhere.
But in the political realm there are a thousand other things that weigh in on our lives that has a lot of impact on us also. We have to decide who represents us most
I don't agree with with the whole going and working somewhere else. How do we make UPS listen? By making them pay usually by grievances and missed air/businesses etc. this is just another form of making somebody listen to the people they're supposed to represent. I myself am not that big of a Trump supporter to be that pissed although I do agree with them in the aspect of this was not handled correctly. Plus a lot of these guys have been around a few contracts and remember what happened with the contract shoved down our throats. They're getting a little pissed about not being listened to by the people that's supposedly represent all of us.
I get both sides I really do but you can't piss off the majority (which the polls clearly show)
And think there would not be repercussions of some sort


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with with the whole going and working somewhere else. How do we make UPS listen? By making them pay usually by grievances and missed air/businesses etc. this is just another form of making somebody listen to the people they're supposed to represent. I myself am not that big of a Trump supporter to be that pissed although I do agree with them in the aspect of this was not handled correctly. Plus a lot of these guys have been around a few contracts and remember what happened with the contract shoved down our throats. They're getting a little pissed about not being listened to by the people that's supposedly represent all of us.
I get both sides I really do but you can't piss off the majority (which the polls clearly show)
And think there would not be repercussions of some sort
Understood. My only point with pulling your union card is that it may make a point to the Teamsters but ultimately will hurt the workers more and give UPS more leverage (to me that juice isn’t worth the squeeze). I agree with a lot you said though. I was there 33 years and saw the same contracts too.

O’Brien was gonna be hated no matter what he did. The Dems are definitely more labor friendly but the members support Trump more. I support his decision here. But even if you think I’m stupid for that it’s ok (we’re still Teamsters together)