Who will the teamsters endorse.


Well-Known Member
The talking points have gone out.
It’s not smart to ignore or discount a poll like this, I guarantee you more information was required to take this poll , than almost any other poll in the country, not to mention the fact it was among union members who should lean Democrat if you believe conventional wisdom.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It’s not smart to ignore or discount a poll like this, I guarantee you more information was required to take this poll , almost any other poll in the country, not to mention the fact it was among union members who should lean Democrat if you believe conventional wisdom.
Sean said as much, the questions were about more than yes or no. It was a comprehensive poll. You’re right, this is an important snapshot of where working people stand. It’s not just the members, it’s the friends and family they see every week that are struggling. No poll takes place in a vacuum.


Well-Known Member
Most Teamsters can't even bother to vote on their contract. Why waste their time on a meaningless poll?
Exactly, but they did which is even more shocking to me. The Democrats would be wise to figure out what they’re saying and figure out how to fix it, ignoring it is there own peril.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Most Teamsters can't even bother to vote on their contract. Why waste their time on a meaningless poll?

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
It’s not smart to ignore or discount a poll like this, I guarantee you more information was required to take this poll , than almost any other poll in the country, not to mention the fact it was among union members who should lean Democrat if you believe conventional wisdom.
I think it reveals how the overton window has moved further left/ marxist/ communist for democrats. It’s harder to suppress the truth with the world of the internet this days. Even centrist democrats can see through the shenanigans.


Well-Known Member
What do you think the democrats should do differently to get these union votes?
That’s not for me to find out, that’s for them to find out. Like someone said the fact that people voted in such large numbers means something.

Can’t even get people to vote for a contract, but they’ll vote for this? Somebody’s pissed about something.


Bad Moon Risen'
That’s not for me to find out, that’s for them to find out. Like someone said the fact that people voted in such large numbers means something.

Can’t even get people to vote for a contract, but they’ll vote for this? Somebody’s pissed about something.
40,000 out of hundreds of thousands eligible is a large number? Vast majority didn't care.


Well-Known Member
40,000 out of hundreds of thousands eligible is a large number? Vast majority didn't care
Teamster members have been lackadaisical about participating in union voting for as long as I can remember.

A poll is a sample and that is a very large sample for the number of Teamsters.

Again minimizing a poll like this is really not a good idea. They should roll up their sleeves and find out what they can do better imo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking that too, out of over a million teamsters members. I was never informed about the voting process though, was everyone able to vote or was it randomly selected?
There was multiple votes in multiple different ways

At my local, we had two different months where people could come in person.

There was a leaflet that was sent out with a QR code to every member.

And there was also a phone call vote.

I have no idea if I got the phone call because I never answered any of those, but I did vote and the other three.
One of the polls had teamsters members voting more for Biden then trump also

Realistically, There’s not many, if any, people who were going to vote for Biden but won’t vote for Harris