Who will the teamsters endorse.


Well-Known Member
Publicly coming out and saying we're not endorsing anyone, and stating that our membership supports Trump is a big move, it's basically a republican endorsement without having to put off a large froup of members. I'm good with it, poor leadership would be just letting it go by unnoticed.
Poor leadership would’ve been never releasing those poll numbers, I’m still shocked he did.
Publicly coming out and saying we're not endorsing anyone, and stating that our membership supports Trump is a big move, it's basically a republican endorsement without having to put off a large group of members. I'm good with it, poor leadership would be just letting it go by unnoticed.
Well this will probably be his first and only term as the teamsters president

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Understood. My only point with pulling your union card is that it may make a point to the Teamsters but ultimately will hurt the workers more and give UPS more leverage (to me that juice isn’t worth the squeeze). I agree with a lot you said though. I was there 33 years and saw the same contracts too.

O’Brien was gonna be hated no matter what he did. The Dems are definitely more labor friendly but the members support Trump more. I support his decision here. But even if you think I’m stupid for that it’s ok (we’re still Teamsters together)
No I don't think you're stupid I think you bring up some valid points as well. I'm just saying I can see it from both sides. I myself don't agree with either party in a lot of things hence the independent voter. And I'm pretty sure most of these people that are threatening to pull their union cards would bring it back if they rectified what they feel is a slight to the majorities wants.