Who will the teamsters endorse.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
You know something way more of my paycheck came home with me under Trump My groceries cost a lot less under Trump My gas cost a lot less under Trump I had a lot less strife under Trump and I didn't have to work nearly as hard to survive under Trump. Were things perfect no. So what self-interest are my voting against if I were to vote for Trump? And don't tell me get the big picture. Absolutely very little of what you got spouted he would do in his first term came to fruition so sorry but I don't think it's going to happen in a second term either. Is he pre-union no but I do believe he is pro-worker which is more than I can say for the Yahoo's running the country now. So maybe it's you who should quit believing the propaganda that one party cares about unions more than another.
It's quite telling when members aren't going with the "union" party. Maybe it's because that term hasn't been very relevant to that party in a very long time.
And honestly if neither party is going to take care of the unions then we need to look at other factors and how we vote and it sure as hell isn't based on a D R or I in front of their name.
Gas and groceries were a lot less under Roosevelt also. Do you really want to go back to the Great Depression?


Well-Known Member
40,000 out of hundreds of thousands eligible is a large number? Vast majority didn't care.
1000 people is a large sample out of 187 million

“The current US adult population in the continental United States is 187 million. The typical sample size for a Gallup poll which is designed to represent this general population is 1,000 national adults.”

The Teamster poll was significantly narrower in scope, but has very large sample size.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
40,000 out of hundreds of thousands eligible is a large number? Vast majority didn't care.
Face it. Your union isn't endorsing Harris.


While Harris pledged, if elected, to sign the PRO Act, an essential piece of labor legislation strengthening union protections, and criticized dangerous “right to work” laws that are enacted to bankrupt unions, Trump would not commit to veto national “right to work” legislation if he returned to the White House.

“‘Right to work’ laws only exist to try to kill labor unions,” said Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Z. “It is a red line for the Teamsters and must be for any union when a candidate for elected office does not oppose such anti-worker legislation. It’s too important an issue for the labor movement as a whole to be left up to state legislatures.”

Republicans are anti union


Well-Known Member
They’re probably gonna come out with some mumbo jumbo response. Does it even matter? Members aren’t changing their minds because the union says so. They will still vote how they want.
You are retired and don't pay dues...they don't care about you anymore old codger....just be happy they let you participate in the monthly retiree breakfast!!