Why are so many drivers such whiners?

Couldn't have said it better myself Jangles. I was raised as a social security kid by my grandparents who didn't really didn't have a pot to piss in, while mommys boy going to private school dad was mia, along with drug attic mom who ive seen 4 times in 38 years was mia also. All I know is to stay hungry, im like a stray dog who hasn't ate in a week, super hungry all the time, and that feeling will never go away or be lost in my inner conscious. Lifes valuable lesson learned at a very young age. Sucked going through it but that lesson I learned and endured only made me a super strong soldier mentally.
God bless


Oh Yeah
God bless
Its all good dude, the obstacles and roadblocks you endure as you ride the ride only make you grow stronger and a better wiser more mentally stronger person. Things that come easy to ya in life don't help ya grow they only make your drive and desire to work harder to achieve things less of an effort, which doesn't help ya grow mentally and spiritually as a person.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
What you consider whining is probably called standing up for themselves. You should try it sometime after you grab 40 stops off them.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Unless you are talking about burners bitching about how they have to work so hard. In that case, I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
I think having the protection of seniority and being in the union allows us to freely express our opinions on some of the stupidity that takes place.

It also appears to me that more often than not the drivers that whine tend to get what they are asking for. If it didn't work,they wouldn't keep doing it.


Well-Known Member
Squeaky wheel get's the grease. Unfortunately the more you bitch and moan the better off you will be. I always tried to be super helpful, until I realized there were drivers with less seniority than me that were punched out before they even asked me to help someone. (They always going to call the person first that's going to give the least grief). It sucks, but it is what it is, we have a driver in our center that is pretty low on the totem pole (granted she does bust her ass) and get's off pretty early every day. They won't even call her to help anyone anymore because she will light a fire so big the god's will see it. :)


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
I'm tired of hearing you whine about drivers that whine. Your premise on this subject is shallow and weak. Go change your diaper and quiet down.
Been with the company for 10 years and driving for 6 years and it seems to me that as each year goes by I want to give more and more drivers pacifiers so they stop crying about the stupidest little things.

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You got a driver bid after 4 years??? I have been working part time for UPS for almost 7 years and have been signing bid sheets for the past 5 and I am STILL part time making welfare wages.

Quit crying about the fat, lazy, overcompensated drivers... you are one of them. :bsbullf:


Well-Known Member
I didn't start at UPS until I was almost 40 years old. The 25 working years before were filled with many jobs including my own business for 10 years. I understand what it's like having to pay for health insurance and not having a union to back me up if I screwed up. It's hard for these old timers to understand what it's really like out there in the real world.