Why are so many drivers such whiners?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I didn't start at UPS until I was almost 40 years old. The 25 working years before were filled with many jobs including my own business for 10 years. I understand what it's like having to pay for health insurance and not having a union to back me up if I screwed up. It's hard for these old timers to understand what it's really like out there in the real world.
I am grateful everyday for the wages and benefits the Teamsters Union have provided for me and my family. Getting close to being grateful for my pension.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Happiness has a way of leveling out over time. Everyone returns to their baseline happiness, other wise known as "set point". So when you first go driving and you have the money, security and such........your happiness spikes. After sometime, people return to their baseline happiness. The theory is called hedonic adaption or hedonic treadmill.

Since majority of people like to complain, it does't take that long for people to forget where they have come from and just dwell on the negative rather then celebrate what they have accomplished. Human nature is to complain. These same people (which I include myself to a degree) could have a job sleeping on a white sand beach, at 70 degrees, cool breeze, making 200k a year and will still "whine" about their day at work.

My opinion anyway.

I've been driving almost 10 years and I think that I'm still close to that peak of the "spike." After my first 1.5/2 years of driving I was starting to get worn out. Well, I'm good at accepting commons sense advice from people with more experience than me so after speaking with one of the few veterans in our center that wasn't a runner and gunner I slowed down and started working on following the methods. I think doing that has helped me continue to stay on that "spike of happiness."

Now....if the OP thinks his drivers whine then he needs to try working in a bonus center. I guarantee it's ten times worse.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Staff member
Why does the sun rise?

The sun appears to rise because the insignificant rock we live on rotates on its axis as we revolve around the equally insignificant star we call the sun.

Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be so full of ourselves.


Nine Lives
The sun appears to rise because the insignificant rock we live on rotates on its axis as we revolve around the equally insignificant star we call the sun.

Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be so full of ourselves.
With a name like cosmos, that must be hard.

I was aware of the fact you mention and there is a humorous (at least to me) tie to the subject if you extend it further.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Of you handle yourself right, no need to whine
Dispatchers know the driver. If you file, take your lunch and deliver safe. Put the ball in their court. Use safety to your advantage. Just working safe boss, slow it down. Might miss a ball game or two. It will pay dividends later

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Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more OP. It never ceases to amaze me in my 14 years as a driver the guys with a high school education (some not even that.) requiring nothing more than UPS' neo-nazi training which offers virtually nothing as it pertains to the job are making 100k a year driving a package car around whine, and bitch and whine some more.. It's unreal. Don't like your job, quit. Good luck. You'll come crawling back to your 100k a year job.
Couldn't agree more OP. It never ceases to amaze me in my 14 years as a driver the guys with a high school education (some not even that.) requiring nothing more than UPS' neo-nazi training which offers virtually nothing as it pertains to the job are making 100k a year driving a package car around whine, and bitch and whine some more.. It's unreal. Don't like your job, quit. Good luck. You'll come crawling back to your 100k a year job.

Say's another driver whining on the net.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
The positives outweigh the negatives and that's what keeps us here. But some driver on another loop has it better than you. That eats at a lot of drivers in my building. They signed the bid thinking this was a eight to two thirty job. They sign up to be coaches every year knowing that they can't make it on time.

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Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more OP. It never ceases to amaze me in my 14 years as a driver the guys with a high school education (some not even that.) requiring nothing more than UPS' neo-nazi training which offers virtually nothing as it pertains to the job are making 100k a year driving a package car around whine, and bitch and whine some more.. It's unreal. Don't like your job, quit. Good luck. You'll come crawling back to your 100k a year job.

The job is a 69k job. Based on a forty hour work week. In order to achieve the 100k, we work mad hours. Also, just to achieve 69k, we are tied to UPS for 45 hours a week do to the required 1hour unpaid lunch break. I can't get in my car and go where I want to for my lunch. Pretty much stuck sitting in a brown oven or on a park bench waiting for the hour long lunch to expire. Unless I am able to bid the route that does my street, I consider that hour part of my work day. I am limited to where I can go on MY lunch break.

People love to say that we make 100k. The average civilian only see's the 100k number and not the hours needed to achieve 100k.

Don't get me wrong. We make good money. But it is not as good as everyone seems to think. Our base pay for a top pay driver is about 66% better then all tax filers. Thats after waiting 10 years or so to go from part time orientation to full time top pay driver.

Again, I am not complaining. Not saying we aren't paid good. Just that throwing around the 100k number isn't a true representation of how much we earn compared to others.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
I find it hilarious when I deliver to a driver's wife's employer. They always ask if its really so bad, then proceed to tell a story their husband told them about how they can't get done at four like so and so and its not fair. I tell em that would be great getting done three hours earlier. Thay can come help me! ....crickets

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Well-Known Member
look he friend around...I know there are winers in every job in america but ups probably has a much higher rate of complainers and overworked people than the average job...never good enough, micromanaged, overdispatched...I mean really??? Am I the only one who sees this