Will Teamsters endorse Donald Trump?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When Reagan took office, the unemployment rate sat at 6.1% He cut taxes for the rich, claiming a trickle down effect would create jobs and bring down the unemployment rate.

The complete OPPOSITE occured, and by the end of his second year in office, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to 10.7%. The tax cut for the rich FAILED to produce the jobs in the private sector as Reagan promised. By the end of his 8 years, REAGAN managed to increase the number of GOVERNMENT workers and TRIPLED the size of the government workforce. His final unemployment rate on his last day in office was 6%.

He only moved the DIAL 1 tenth of 1 percent in 8 years with his tax cuts for the rich.

President OBAMA, took a country in a nosedive with an unemployment rate of 8% and rising, and by the middle of his second year in office, the unemployment rate sat at 10.2%. In 8 years, president Obama has grown our private sector jobs market and our unemployment rate sits below 5%. He has cut the size of government workers and has created new industries that employ americans.

Somehow, you think the country is in a disaster with this record, and you would rather see a return to the republican policies that almost killed this nation.

Its hard to believe that people "think" like this, but you do.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No president in the history of the US has done more damage to the working man than Barrack Hussein Obama.

Lower wages, fewer jobs and higher health insurance payments.


Well-Known Member
IF you are in some kind of delusion, believing that in current times, its anything like when reagan was in office, then you need some better meds.

Reagan was the begining of the end for the american worker. The exidus of industry BEGAN with Reagan, continued with BUSH1 and was slam dunked by Bush2.

It was during the Reagan administration and the republicans in congress that wrote NAFTA, but couldnt get it passed the democratic congress, and it was George HW Bush who signed the nafta agreement with Canada and Mexico, and left it on the desk of Bill Clinton. With the republicans scheduled to take control of both houses when Bush was ousted, the NAFTA agreement was good to go. With only a small level of modification, Clinton signed the agreement into law with the republicans controlling both houses and having a majority to override a veto.

Today, we see the devastating effects of NAFTA, but what is odd, is how DRUMPF is calling for it to be torn up , but you DONT HEAR that from ANY republican senator or congressman.

That isnt the position of the republican party, and DRUMPF is out on a limb on NAFTA. The republcians, if they maintain control of the hill, will NEVER undue NAFTA.

Better get your understanding correct.

making excuses for Clinton again I see. Nafta will be a knife in Hillary's fat behind.


Well-Known Member
No president in the history of the US has done more damage to the working man than Barrack Hussein Obama.

Lower wages, fewer jobs and higher health insurance payments.

especially the minority working man. who would have thunk that Obama would screw over his own people.


Well-Known Member
I love this reframed narrative where the Republicans are the superheroes of the working class, instead of their actual narrative which is cut taxes for the rich, and everyone else can friend off.

I'm not pretending the Dems are working hard for the little man, but can we at least be honest here?

El Correcto

god is dead
It doesn't matter either way. Politicians don't have any plans other than profiting for themselves and people who got them in the position to do so. If you are voting with a ballot you are not one of those people.