As I kid, I used to love winter. I don't know when it changed for me, but I hate it now. I'm trying to change the way I think about it. This looks like fun to me. Maybe try it next year.
Once I was going up a pretty steep incline or a hill/ mountain. The homeowner kept it clean. I almost got to the crest of the hill and stopped. I had a helper. If I took my foot of the break it would slide. To my left was a pond that I would have Slid into. If it wasn't for the helper sliding my cote and a piece of cardboard under that back tires I would have went into the pond. Thank God I had that helper that day. On my own I don't want to think about the outcome.
I don't hate winter I respect it for all it's danger and beauty. Sometimes at I'm driving or walking a stop off I know there is a God who created all this perfect beauty.
I had a buddy who retired three years ago and moved to Arizona. He moved back last week. He got cancer which is very treatable but his wife missed the season to the point that it depressed her. I guess going through all the seasons for 57 years and not having them anymore was to much of a shock.
I was amazed the first time I visited the Phoenix area over Christmas. First I was amazed that people's yards were nothing more than pee rock and cactus (they actually raked the rock "to get it to look nice") and some even laid down green artificial carpet to make it look like grass. They also were real big on burning artificial logs (rolled up newspapers) in their fireplaces. Sorry---not for me.