Y'all ever wish you would have gone to college instead?


Well-Known Member
"Y'all ever wish you would have gone to college instead?"

When I started I was unloading trailers to Dr's and Lawyers and such??? Many still in school, some had started families already and all needing the CRAZY GOOD health insurance! This 1975!

Made me wonder why I was in Jr college?? In the mid 70's UPS drivers were making really good money and production pay. So I decided when I hit 21 I wanted to drive, be outside, and make money! Many of my friends went on thru college and got BA's,BS's. Masters and some Doctorates!

I never once envied the friends who went on to get purposeful degrees then or today! Only one got his masters and stayed at ups and did exceedingly well financially but sold his soul to get there. He actually was the one who told me stay away from Management if you are not going to at least get a Degree! MORE SO IMPORTANT today than EVER!

I have more friends today who tell me the same thing! I wish I had picked a career other than what I have! Saying it took so long to pay off getting the doctorate or school debt and get established or that they have made choices to take positions that made them happier once they found out the field of choice was wrong for them! Many saying I would have been happier younger if I had just become a Plumber , Welder ,UPS driver, bought my first property at a real young age not almost 40! So many of them still working and not retired!

It doesn't help when they find out I retired at age 49 (that is over 14 years ago), with medical benefits at a crazy low cost.

NAH! I am OK with how it all worked out! Its all ABOUT CHOICES!


Well-Known Member
Lmao at worrying about a career that “fulfills” you. We’re all just trying to pay our bills and survive. Couldnt care less if my job serves a meaningful purpose