I'm a star
could not cram any more falsehoods into that post. lol
Talking about your post? It's hard to tell when you don't quote or reply.
could not cram any more falsehoods into that post. lol
i dunno china.
PATRIOT ACT wasnt for your protection and neither is the military
The U.S. and the rest of the free world had their hands full fighting China during the Korean War. At that time it was an uneducated peasant army with no modern arms. China has dramatically modernize its military although it is still no match to the U.S. and NATO. I fear it would go nuclear if either side felt seriously threatened.They could try, but most of their soldiers would defect if they did. Their pay checks would be bouncing after not too long.
No one is being compelled to participate in the market by anything other than their own self interest.
To me this post read like a Sunday school lesson. I'll focus on the above point. You might as well say "No one is being compelled to breathe by anything other than their own self interest." On an extreme technicality, yes, since the other option is simply not viable ...
The history of capitalism/global market development demonstrates that people did not volunteer (unless you count consenting under duress) to work the plantations and factories. For example in England, a pioneer in this history, the enclosure of the commons forced people off the land and into wage slavery -- *ahem*, into dependence on selling their labor to earn a wage. In recent history, consider the Soviet and Chinese governments' ruthless treatment of peasants in order to mobilize them to feed (and ultimately become conscripts in) a productive labor force ...
For fun, here's a short article (based off a scholarly work) contrasting the work habits of medieval serfs and those of us who live during the pinnacle of civilization -- The Average American Works Harder And Vacations Less Than A Medieval Peasant
Anyway, when you're born without land and you're trained from infancy to become a participant in the market, you participate in the market. And of course you must surrender plenty of your liberties in order to remain a participant, e.g., to survive. Our contract, in part, is a registry of how many liberties we must surrender and in exchange for what.
Maybe you can get out of Dodge, but you do not leave the Hotel California ...
china is richThey could try, but most of their soldiers would defect if they did. Their pay checks would be bouncing after not too long.
To me this post read like a Sunday school lesson. I'll focus on the above point. You might as well say "No one is being compelled to breathe by anything other than their own self interest." On an extreme technicality, yes, since the other option is simply not viable ...
The history of capitalism/global market development demonstrates that people did not volunteer (unless you count consenting under duress) to work the plantations and factories. For example in England, a pioneer in this history, the enclosure of the commons forced people off the land and into wage slavery -- *ahem*, into dependence on selling their labor to earn a wage. In recent history, consider the Soviet and Chinese governments' ruthless treatment of peasants in order to mobilize them to feed (and ultimately become conscripts in) a productive labor force ...
For fun, here's a short article (based off a scholarly work) contrasting the work habits of medieval serfs and those of us who live during the pinnacle of civilization -- The Average American Works Harder And Vacations Less Than A Medieval Peasant
Anyway, when you're born without land and you're trained from infancy to become a participant in the market, you participate in the market. And of course you must surrender plenty of your liberties in order to remain a participant, e.g., to survive. Our contract, in part, is a registry of how many liberties we must surrender and in exchange for what.
Maybe you can get out of Dodge, but you do not leave the Hotel California
You enjoy arguing, regardless of whether your opinion has any merit or background. That's why I didn't take the time like Whither did.Talking about your post? It's hard to tell when you don't quote or reply.
If you think serfs had anywhere near the standard of living we have, you're in for a rude awakening.
As UPS drivers?We work 160 hrs per year more
San Franciscans would beg to differ.and we don't have to walk in human feces everywhere we go.
You enjoy arguing, regardless of whether your opinion has any merit or background. That's why I didn't take the time like Whither did.
To me this post read like a Sunday school lesson. I'll focus on the above point. You might as well say "No one is being compelled to breathe by anything other than their own self interest." On an extreme technicality, yes, since the other option is simply not viable ...
The history of capitalism/global market development demonstrates that people did not volunteer (unless you count consenting under duress) to work the plantations and factories. For example in England, a pioneer in this history, the enclosure of the commons forced people off the land and into wage slavery -- *ahem*, into dependence on selling their labor to earn a wage. In recent history, consider the Soviet and Chinese governments' ruthless treatment of peasants in order to mobilize them to feed (and ultimately become conscripts in) a productive labor force ...
For fun, here's a short article (based off a scholarly work) contrasting the work habits of medieval serfs and those of us who live during the pinnacle of civilization -- The Average American Works Harder And Vacations Less Than A Medieval Peasant
Anyway, when you're born without land and you're trained from infancy to become a participant in the market, you participate in the market. And of course you must surrender plenty of your liberties in order to remain a participant, e.g., to survive. Our contract, in part, is a registry of how many liberties we must surrender and in exchange for what.
Maybe you can get out of Dodge, but you do not leave the Hotel California ...
I told you why, it's because you were already corrected by Wither. your listening skills are about at the level as a resident knowitallMore like you don't have any real counterpoints. He at least tried, even if he was off the mark. Your are entitled to your opinion, as much as I am, and you are even at liberty to believe your opinion has greater merit than mine. Just another reason why America is great. Oh no! I just got illogical again, I guess.
Now discussing an opinion on the interwebz is seen as a form of liberty in America...it's amazing, I had no idea the internet was America too. Since we're so much better than everyone, can we just call everything America or is that too arrogant?
I told you why, it's because you were already corrected by Wither. your listening skills are about at the level as a resident knowitall
Wait, they didn't have the interwebs, Netflix, cars or healthcare plans?!
As UPS drivers?I would kill for 5 days a week/50 hrs right now!
San Franciscans would beg to differ.
However. We have gotten far afield from the discussion re: making a stronger, more rank and file driven union. That is my current and longer-term interest.
US is not at the top of any lists for "best countries to live" or highest quality of life, to my knowledge.
Why would you bring up a point about a historical group of people who might have had what you consider to be one thing better than we do, when basically every other aspect of their lives was arguably worse? Then to laugh it off when I pointed it out as if I was being ridiculous. Disingenuity at it's finest right there.
This city is unaffordable and is 'suffering' minor blowback in response. Why did it become so unaffordable? The market, above all. Thanks to the tech boom, abetted in every way by governments from city to state to federal, there's been an influx of people who can afford to pay outrageous rents/mortgages.I think we both know why San Fransisco is having the issues it is, and that doesn't exactly bolster your position.
The first step in making conditions for workers better is to have the clearest understanding of their problems, and the causes thereof, as possible. I can't speak to all of the issues workers face in the US, let alone abroad. But arguing about what we do understand can help us gain a better understanding of the views of others, and maybe, just maybe, help us be better equipped to make better decisions.
That is why I like to argue, not to prove that I know everything, which I freely admit I do not, but to try and pry nuggets of wisdom from the clutching grasp of others. I appreciate your input because we align in some ways, and not in others, and you never seem to take the conversation personally. I'd gladly cross swords with you any day, metaphorically speaking.
I fully agree with the spirit of your statement here. The humility too. I am willing to jump the gun and admit: personally, I think the interest of workers is to no longer be workers, to no longer live in a society that requires wage labor, which for the most part has been (and still is) a lifelong indenture, to carry on. As workers, we inevitably surrender a priceless degree of freedom (of course, under our conditions, if we must, it is always better to surrender this freedom as expensively/painfully as possible). On my view, the same is true of the petty business-owner. As for the big fish that somewhat escape this situation, I don't envy them. I want another world. If that's absurd to say, fine. Let this world answer for its own absurdities.