You tell em Donald


Well-Known Member
I would say it's also common sense to not cheat on your wife. Why are you deflecting? Clinton is gone. Is your guy so freaking terrible that you have to try and shift the conversation to avoid talking about him? Pathetic.
Nope, just pointing out how the libs are all over Trump's indiscretions but turned a blind eye to Clinton's.


Inordinately Right
Nope, just pointing out how the libs are all over Trump's indiscretions but turned a blind eye to Clinton's.
Funny how you don't realize you're doing the exact same thing. All over the Clinton's indiscretions but turning a blind eye to Trump's disgusting actions and words.


Well-Known Member
I was commenting on how they were "not intelligent women"... not how that women are sooo oppressed in this country. There are oppressed women in this country, we just don't see them. It may not be nearly as bad as some countries but oppression is alive in the USA.

These ladies are also making their voices heard in regards to the recent push of legislation aimed at them.

The fact is... they are doing something vs just sitting there and steaming.... or having no opinion at all.
More power to them for speaking their minds. But there's collective hysterics going on with the media fanning the flames.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you don't realize you're doing the exact same thing. All over the Clinton's indiscretions but turning a blind eye to Trump's disgusting actions and words.
And that is exactly where you are wrong. If you had been around awhile you would know that Trump wasn't my first choice by far, that I have said numerous times he acts unpresidential, that he's an egomaniac, that he needs to stop the tweeting. However if he fulfills his promises I do believe he'll help the country get on the right track and will be much better than Hillary would have. I see the Left refusing to acknowledge the incredible debt hole that we're in. I see them refusing to acknowledge that Hillary spent her time in office enriching herself and put the country's security at risk while doing so. I see more of the same policies that aren't advancing the well being of working men and women. And I fully expect you to tear apart everything I'm saying here. The country is at a dangerous crossroad and folks like you don't seem to see the freight train coming.


The resident gearhead
What chances did those people have under the previous administration?

I am not rich. I have done well, but not rich. Dirt poor growing up and worked to achieve what I have. Unlike the Democrats way. Do nothing, don't work and wait for your Obama phone and for your EBT card to be activated.
A very close relative of mine is one of the top rated pediatric physicians in the world. He grew up poor. His wife volunteers at a sick children's hospital. Volunteer means works for free oldfart. They are hardcore liberal.

I myself am a hard working ups driver that came up in a middle class family and had to make my own way through life. I typically vote democrat. (When I do vote)

My hardcore republican friends own a small business. They have 2 brand new trucks with huge payments. A toy hauler and rzr with huge payments and yet somehow can't afford healthcare so they signed up for Obama care.


Inordinately Right
And that is exactly where you are wrong. If you had been around awhile you would know that Trump wasn't my first choice by far, that I have said numerous times he acts unpresidential, that he's an egomaniac, that he needs to stop the tweeting.
Yet here you've been refusing to acknowledge those things and instead shifting the conversation to the Clintons, who are out of the picture now. Jesus man I feel like we're on the same page about the Clintons, aren't you sick of hearing about them yet? Move on.
The country is at a dangerous crossroad and folks like you don't seem to see the freight train coming.
That's where you're wrong. We are not at a dangerous crossroad. There is no freight train coming. The train passed by a long time ago and we have been working hard to dismantle the tracks and scrap them to sustain corporate profits as long as possible.