“I believe” statements with Integrity


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You gettin paid for being his caddy?


Binge Poster
People always claim that the Bible is hard to understand. That’s because they don’t want to follow what’s in it. They’re happy wallowing in there own sin. Too hard… lmao.
I believe hard is an understatement.

I believe it is impossible to understand without direct revelation from the spirit of God.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe hard is an understatement.

I believe it is impossible to understand without direct revelation from the spirit of God.
Again, according to the written word, you are a liar.
I wouldn't be telling it around too much around that God talks directly to you. Just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
No, not enough power
He's a natural 2 hitter, fast and able to move the lead off hitter. Protects your 3,4. And 5 guys. Also not afraid to sacrifice if needed.
Legitimate question, when was the last time you saw an attempted sacrifice?
Beyond that, when was the last time you saw the two hole try to move a runner up?


Well-Known Member
What point did you make with the passages that you quoted?
To someone with no bible knowledge and your pitiful explanation of the passages , it looks like you're saying Jesus killed himself.
Not my point,
What and why do they (the passages) say Jesus went to the cross?

You still haven't delt with

John 10:18​

“No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.

You said "they" killed him.

Jesus says no man takes his life.

Square who your they is.