“I believe” statements with Integrity


Binge Poster
It’s the only kind of relationship the book you know nothing about describes. But, here’s the kicker.
The relationship is on his terms and defined by him, not you, as to how it must be. He defines it all in the book you know nothing about.
But hey, do the fluff.
So if you know the book then you’ll know God? That is what you are saying?

Very personal.
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. - Matt 7:21
in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. - 2 These 1:8
I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast you into hell. --Luke 12: 4-5 (Jesus talks about hell more than any one else in the book you know nothing about)
Hope this helps.
What is the purpose of your proof texts?
Tell me something I don't know.
I will try.

I believe you don’t know what you believe because I believe you believe you know everything which leaves no room for belief, or faith if you will.

Other than belief that you know everything, that is.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So if you know the book then you’ll know God? That is what you are saying?

Very personal.

What is the purpose of your proof texts?

I will try.

I believe you don’t know what you believe because I believe you believe you know everything which leaves no room for belief, or faith if you will.

Other than belief that you know everything, that is.
I know what’s written.
Which, for sure, you know absolutely nothing.
I say that with a provable faith your blind faith knows nothing about.


Binge Poster


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So if you know the book then you’ll know God? That is what you are saying?
If you know the book you’ll know the terms he has laid out for the personal relationship. The relationship is not found with the terms that you decide. Your terms or how you define the relationship mean nothing.
hat is the purpose of your proof texts?
You said I would have to ask God about judgment. I said I didn’t have to. He wrote it down.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I know what is written as well. Over the course of my life I have enjoyed reading, I still do.

I do know written from other forms of communication and expression.

How can you prove your faith and disprove mine?

Did God tell you this?
I know what is written as well. Over the course of my life I have enjoyed reading, I still do.

I do know written from other forms of communication and expression.

How can you prove your faith and disprove mine?

Did God tell you this?
It is written as has been pointed out is not your comic books.
God did tell me this. But not directly like he talks to you. .
He wrote it down using inspired men. and I can take my finger and point to his word and disprove the fluff you push.


Binge Poster
If you know the book you’ll know the terms he has laid out for the personal relationship. The relationship is not found with the terms that you decide. Your terms or how you define the relationship mean nothing.

That is why I believe my relationship with him is so real and personal. I am glad we are progressing here.
You said I would have to ask God about judgment. I said I didn’t have to. He wrote it down.
Your proof texts are in opposition to proof text others use to as proof texts to the opposite. I choose to leave this for God to know.

I know you are right and they are wrong.

Do you view looking to the Bible equal to asking God?
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Binge Poster
It is written as has been pointed out is not your comic books.
I do not read comic books.
God did tell me this.
How so?
But not directly like he talks to you.
So when you need to talk to God you read the Bible? How is reading talking?
He wrote it down using inspired men. and I can take my finger and point to his word and disprove the fluff you push.
So you say.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

That is why I believe my relationship with him is so real and personal. I am glad we are progressing here.
Don’t try and school me, fluffy. You don’t know enough Bible to write a complete sentence.
I do not read comic books.

How so?

So when you need to talk to God you read the Bible? How is reading talking?

So you say.
Prayers to God is reading the Bible?
Nice twist, fluffy.
My statement was the opposite .. I said God doesn’t talk to me like he talks to you, you know, literally.


Binge Poster
Don’t try and school me, fluffy. You don’t know enough Bible to write a complete sentence.
I definitely know enough of the Bible to write a complete sentence.
Prayers to God is reading the Bible?
So when you need to ask God something you go to the Bible for the answer?
You don’t ask God for the answer? Is that what you are saying?
Nice twist, fluffy.
My statement was the opposite .. I said God doesn’t talk to me like he talks to you, you know, literally.
I am sorry that this is not the case for you.

I believe He literally talks to me through His Spirit.

I have never literally heard an audible voice or sound, but I do believe I have heard him and experienced His presence in a spiritual sense.
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