“I believe” statements with Integrity


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So when you need to ask God something you go to the Bible for the answer?
Again, Prayer, (petitioning God )is not reading the Bible.
But, seeking instruction from God, the Bible just might be a good place to look.
You don’t ask God for the answer?
When seeking an answer from God, I pray for His guidance in making the choices that I make. I don't want to be guided or influenced by something or someone else. I pray the things I choose are according to His will and not just mine. I pray the things I decide will meet His approval.
There is no special/miraculous intervention from him.
I believe He literally talks to me through His Spirit.
Believe what you want.
The Spirit's work of talking to anyone has literally been done and over for 2000 years.
You are fooling yourself, fluffy.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I might add, God works today through natural means. Intervention from God today will not be miraculous.
Just think... I may be the answer to your prayers for God to help you do His will. Uh-Oh.8-)


Legio patria nostra
Just him turning to God.
So....You credit yourself with a person turning to God, but take no responsibility for that person, instead, turning to Satan as a direct result of your unsolicited involvement....

That was the basic question and the sentence above is your answer.

It makes me think of the workings of a demon instead of a self-perceived Man O' God....


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Do not listen to people like that. --2 Timothy 2:5


Binge Poster
So....You credit yourself with a person turning to God, but take no responsibility for that person, instead, turning to Satan as a direct result of your unsolicited involvement....

That was the basic question and the sentence above is your answer.

It makes me think of the workings of a demon instead of a self-perceived Man O' God....
Oh well.

Sorry you view it that way.

I don’t.


Binge Poster
They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Do not listen to people like that. --2 Timothy 2:5
It is actually 2 Timothy 3:5.

It seems to me Paul was possibly struggling with his Pharisaical past while writing this letter.

It is clearly evident in the Bible that Paul definitely struggled at times.

There are some good tidbits in this letter but I don’t hold to everything in this letter because of this Pharisaical attitude or tone that I perceive.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It is actually 2 Timothy 3:5.
My bad. Quoting from memory.
It seems to me Paul was possibly struggling with his Pharisaical past while writing this letter.
Not even close.
Paul wrote this letter from jail. He was struggling alright. This was shortly before they killed him.
It is clearly evident in the Bible that Paul definitely struggled at times.
But, none that I know of about his pharisaical background. He boasted of that at times and used it to his advantage.“Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees....Acts 23
There are some good tidbits in this letter
Yes.. Oh yes. The Man of God @Integrity speaks of the Apostle Paul's second letter to Timothy has containing "some good tidbits".. Such reverence and respect.
I don’t hold to everything in this letter
Of coarse you don't .You can do this.
Why? Because the Bible is your very own buffet. You just choose what you like and reject what you don't like. I'm sure that's how God wanted you to handle his word.
because of this Pharisaical attitude or tone that I perceive.
You "perceive"an attitude or tone? lol! You're wrong, number one, there is nothing here about what you claim And, number two, even if you didn't like it, how "pharisaical " of you to reject inspired writing and teaching.
The attitude and tone Jesus had when he turned the tables and drove out the money changers at the Temple probably doesn't suit you either. Hey, it's just a buffet of words.
Accept what you feel is for you and reject what you don't like. LOL!


Binge Poster
My bad. Quoting from memory.
Not even close.
My opinion is obviously different from your opinion about how God speaks to you through the reading of this passage.
Yes.. Oh yes. The Man of God @Integrity speaks of the Apostle Paul's second letter to Timothy has containing "some good tidbits".. Such reverence and respect.
Paul is one of my favorite apostles.
Of coarse you don't .You can do this.
Why? Because the Bible is your very own buffet.
The Bible is a book not a buffet table.
You just choose what you like and reject what you don't like.
I believe what I believe, I don’t believe what I don’t believe. That is true.
I'm sure that's how God wanted you to handle his word.
Now we are getting somewhere.
You "perceive"an attitude or tone? lol!
You're wrong, number one, there is nothing here about what you claim.
Your opinion.
And, number two, even if you didn't like it, how "pharisaical " of you to reject inspired writing and teaching.
Sorry you view it this way. I don’t.
The attitude and tone Jesus had when he turned the tables and drove out the money changers at the Temple probably doesn't suit you either.
I will have to think about that.
Hey, it's just a buffet of words.
It is a book of words.
Accept what you feel is for you and reject what you don't like. LOL!
I believe what I believe, I don’t reject what others believe, I just don’t believe everything others believe.

I believe what others believe is between them and God.

When I say between them and God, I mean God Himself not the Bible or any other religious literature, viewed as sacred or not by religionists.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Bible is a book not a buffet table.
Did you really miss the parallel or you decided to go literal for a second?
The book you treat as a buffet of words. Read through it and pick and choose what you accept and like and reject what you don't like or want. Sweet.
I believe in trying to unite where we agree and trying not to fight over where we differ.
You believe in unity diversity. It is a damning position and false teaching.
Any grade one Bible student can see God's rejection of what you spout in the Scripture.
Fluff on, Fluffy. As @Lineandinitial inferred, you might want to think twice about those you are influencing to accept as truth what you're putting out there.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.--James 3:1
But hey, If you don't like what this says, reject it (James' tone doesn't set well with me) and fluff on.


Binge Poster
Did you really miss the parallel or you decided to go literal for a second?
Metaphorically speaking I must have missed it, or maybe I didn’t.
The book you treat as a buffet of words. Read through it and pick and choose what you accept and like and reject what you don't like or want. Sweet.
It is very sweet.

I believe God is so good.

But to clarify most things in the Bible that I don’t believe, I don’t reject or disbelieve, I simply can’t reconcile them in my spirit so I just leave it in the realm of undecided, in the realm of neither belief nor disbelief. Some would probably refer to this as sitting the fence.(Metaphorically that is)
You believe in unity diversity. It is a damning position and false teaching.
I don’t believe as you believe here but I respect your right to your belief.
Any grade one Bible student can see God's rejection of what you spout in the Scripture.
Not sure how you know this but I guess it does come under the category of everything, so that must explain how you know it.
Fluff on, Fluffy. As @Lineandinitial inferred, you might want to think twice about those you are influencing to accept as truth what you're putting out there.
I believe everyone comes to their own understanding of God.
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.--James 3:1
But hey, If you don't like what this says, reject it (James' tone doesn't set well with me) and fluff on.

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