From what I can see here, the company wants to create a hybrid driving position. I’m not going to go into detail about what that is I think we all know already. Obviously what will happen is that these hybrid drivers will only ever drive, will most likely work weekends and that the company will try its hardest to manipulate volume to take away our overtime and pass it onto them for half the cost. Now my take on this is that the full timers and the union have been giving the shaft to the part timers for so long that UPS has figured they can offer a few dollars an hour more and full time hours to the PTs at the expense of giving more to the FTs and pocketing the savings and the union doesn’t care because they will have thousands of new FTs paying dues. Now should the fat cat full timers be surprised that the chickens have come home to roost? Outnumbered 1,000-1?