Mr jake, just looked at the board for monday for a center in the Orlando hub, 10 full time guys are on the side which means no work for them, and 9 cover drivers are not even on the board. Looking real good!!!!!
And that's perfectly fine... See, I think you're being misguided by orions... He is building this up to be so much more cause he won't get off my ball sack... I understand I'm not driving next week.. Or maybe even this year.. And that's completely fine.. All I ever started with was there's guys that were driving thru peak with less then 6 months in the hub.. Many years ago 06-10, I worked midnight without even an inkling of a hope to drive even thru peak.. Now guys are getting thru school and on the road in less then 6 months.. To me that's incredible! Shows me things are better then they were obviously.. So that's all I ever said, and he took it and ran with it to be where is at today.. No matter what that board days, that guy is going out to stay his 30 on Wednesday.. So what does that mean? If there's more qualified, more seniority drivers, why would they call him to start training?
Again, all I ever said was things seem much better this time around.. After spending 4 1/2 years loading and didn't know ANYONE who got to go even just to school, and there's 5 people I directly with with all with less then a year in have already gone this past sept/Oct... I'm sure I'll at least get thru school someone this year, and maybe have that option to cover someone next year.. I can work with that.