Part time hip hop stars, your calls have been answered.
- Package Car Drivers to be allowed to wear hoodies under uniforms
Everybody wears hoodies here, on the outside lol. What is this language?
Part time hip hop stars, your calls have been answered.
- Package Car Drivers to be allowed to wear hoodies under uniforms
Part time hip hop stars, your calls have been answered.
- Package Car Drivers to be allowed to wear hoodies under uniforms
Yea I’m curious to hear what all is included in that.“Defined protections for 25.13 Combination Drivers and Regular Package Car Drivers as a result of the new classification”
How this isn’t in every supplement or the National Master is beyond me.
It's not the same job. Come on. Theyd call the new job 22.3 as well.Again you’re either against “two-tier” or you’re for it?!?! They both fit the definition of what you call “two-tier”! Same job, less pay.
Can I wear this?Everybody wears hoodies here, on the outside lol. What is this language?
I believe you are....or were???
I'm a little gray in that area.I believe you are....or were???
As a helper off the street? Sure can. Just dont throw the pkg in front of the camera, over the fence, take a leak in the yard, or flip off the camera.
At the outside concert:I believe you are....or were???
Moody Blues with a full orchestra is awesome.At the outside concert:
Moody Blues, Deep Purple, Cream, and Mark Farner.
Just leave the oboe player back stage.Moody Blues with a full orchestra is awesome.
What do you mean "final offers" or not?
Yes, subsection b) is for offers and subsection d) is for final offers.
Black and white.
The issue is whether it was a final offer or not.
Once upon a time, we never had part-time workers either????
Now it's 65%...
We should be very concerned with maintaining and expanding the 22.3 worker ranks at UPS.
After all, we all know many co-workers who were able to use these positions to make it to retirement.
Who knows, the next one could be you....or me???
You want a full time job or u don’t. These guys that are 2 scared to go driving piss me off. Yeah it’s not easy. But you want big boy pay, take the big boy job. Period.I agree that we need to at least maintain and possibly expand.
One of the problems is that in most areas, this full-time job may be a split shift. Morning preload and evening reload.
My point still stands. Some of these part-timers that say they want a full-time job but don't want to drive.
Most of them, if any of them, wouldn't get any of these 22.3 jobs anyway.
Section d is for strike votes. Section a states an offer must be considered final before being put to a vote. Section b outlines procedures for renegotiating after a final offer is voted down. If a final offer is renegotiated, it is no longer a final offer, hence the "final offer or not" statement.
Section d outlines the procedure for a strike authorization vote. If a separate vote is not conducted, the members can authorize a strike by voting down a final offer in accordance with the 50% - 2/3 rule. Without a strike authorization, the negotiators have little leverage in getting the company back to the table, so they would then be required to accept the offer as is, or with whatever changes they can get the company to agree to. We authorized a strike, so we either renegotiate in accordance with section b, or we strike. The negotiating committee had no authority to impose the contract. That's my stance on it, and it is supported by the language in the Article XII of the constitution in its entirety, not from just cherry picking the sections that fit any particular agenda.
You want a full time job or u don’t. These guys that are 2 scared to go driving piss me off. Yeah it’s not easy. But you want big boy pay, take the big boy job. Period.