I'm a star
You are inferring what you thing the Constitution says.
It says nothing about Section d) only implying to strike votes.
While it does apply to strike votes, it also applies to agreement ratification votes, hence the word "and"
to conduct agreement ratification votes and strike votes
And if you follow section 2d, then you either strike, or get the company to reopen negotiations voluntarily, in which case, section 2b applies.
"When a master agreement negotiated under the provi‑ sions of this Article provides for a reopener and re‑nego‑ tiation, or is voluntarily reopened during its stated term, the above voting procedure shall apply to ratifcation of the new terms, if any, and Section 2(d) shall apply to strike votes."
The part that is being glossed over is the fact that we authorized a strike. Now, let's say that the union goes back to UPS and says we need to reopen negotiations, or we may have to strike. If UPS voluntarily reopens, per the paragraph above, then we renegotiate.
On a side note, according to section 2e, the nnc can reject an offer even if the members vote to accept it.