Am I in the union?


Nine Lives
Helpers here pay union dues lol...pretty crappy...I paid 25 a week until my 300 initiation fee was paid.
And you are in a RTW state.
I think the Union and the company count on the ignorance of kids to dupe them into joining the union.
No way an 18 year old working for $10/hr and no benefits should have to pay anything to the Union until one year.


Well-Known Member
You our not in the union. Welcome to hell!! Come on in the money is great. Once you become a driver 5- 10 years down the road.


Made it. Sup tried to take my id and discipline without steward present. Sup said I was being a "tough guy" by requesting my union representation. I received a verbal warning and I stopped coming in late.On second thought I should've gave my id to him, I have another one.

I'll be reacting to most "intimidation" talk like this from here on now