ie qt
to/from allowance is calculated by ORWM nerds looking at swaths of data averagesWhy does UPS change your to/from allowance then do a 3-day ride because you went from being 20 clicks over to 120 clicks over?
The best part is when they look at you and ask what we are doing differently...but we will do a 3-day ride and figure it out.
The level of dishonesty and manipulation in mgmt is astounding.
Those who don't know, if you have an average of 90 miles on your route, and it's 15 miles each way to your 1st stop, UPS can change the distance from traveling to your route, as opposed to distance accumulated within the route. So they would make it look like you have 20 miles to and from, or 25 instead of 15.
Takes more time to work 10 miles of resis than 10 miles of highway.
3-day rides are on road management
neither of these people will ever speak to each other and have no idea how the others jobs work, that's why it seems contradictory, it's literally two groups of people doing actually different things