Atheism ON TOPIC


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s what you haven’t put on BC.
We get lectures and sermons. What we don’t get is the real you. We don’t get the confession, the Christian that you really are. We don’t hear HOW and WHERE and WHEN you fail daily.
Really? The confession? The Christian I really am? lol
Trying to think of when I heard of your How, When, and Where you fail daily .
This is yet another attempt by you to throw the scent off with a "you sin so you can't say anything about what someone else does."
What about you, BF? How do you fail God? Where do you come up short? How can you be just a little bit better today?
I have said it before, I fail everyday. I come up short everyday. I need his grace and mercy everyday.
It's interesting that you state homosexuality is alright, atheism is a go, but here you try to probe a specific wrong I do. Why? Everything that's wrong in this thread has your stamp of approval. The only time you cry foul is when someone defines it for what it is.
Do you attack homosexuality for God? Couldn’t you do better by extending the mercy to others that has been shown you?
I attack sin. Sin , the cause of THE DEATH. My own as well as those that are made public.
Mercy? You don't want mercy. You want approval for the wrong.
I don't think you do any one "better" believing and or allowing them to believe that the wrong they are engaged in is fine and there will be no consequence.
You wanna show people what Christianity is about? Be humble. Serve. And do so not because you expect reward but because you have already been rewarded handsomely.
One can be humble and serve without being a Christian. Those things are easy. An atheist can do that and he knows there is no
You want to show people what Christianity is really about? Stop condoning their sins. Walk in the Light.
Stop calling wrong right. Encourage repentance.

Lots of ears out there itching to hear false teachers speak smooth things. ...Live it up.


Staff member
Really? The confession? The Christian I really am? lol
Trying to think of when I heard of your How, When, and Where you fail daily .
This is yet another attempt by you to throw the scent off with a "you sin so you can't say anything about what someone else does."

I have said it before, I fail everyday. I come up short everyday. I need his grace and mercy everyday.
It's interesting that you state homosexuality is alright, atheism is a go, but here you try to probe a specific wrong I do. Why? Everything that's wrong in this thread has your stamp of approval. The only time you cry foul is when someone defines it for what it is.

I attack sin. Sin , the cause of THE DEATH. My own as well as those that are made public.
Mercy? You don't want mercy. You want approval for the wrong.
I don't think you do any one "better" believing and or allowing them to believe that the wrong they are engaged in is fine and there will be no consequence.

One can be humble and serve without being a Christian. Those things are easy. An atheist can do that and he knows there is no
You want to show people what Christianity is really about? Stop condoning their sins. Walk in the Light.
Stop calling wrong right. Encourage repentance.

Lots of ears out there itching to hear false teachers speak smooth things. ...Live it up.
Confession is good for the soul. I don’t expect it here but you might look into it in the near future.

El Correcto

god is dead
Really? The confession? The Christian I really am? lol
Trying to think of when I heard of your How, When, and Where you fail daily .
This is yet another attempt by you to throw the scent off with a "you sin so you can't say anything about what someone else does."

I have said it before, I fail everyday. I come up short everyday. I need his grace and mercy everyday.
It's interesting that you state homosexuality is alright, atheism is a go, but here you try to probe a specific wrong I do. Why? Everything that's wrong in this thread has your stamp of approval. The only time you cry foul is when someone defines it for what it is.

I attack sin. Sin , the cause of THE DEATH. My own as well as those that are made public.
Mercy? You don't want mercy. You want approval for the wrong.
I don't think you do any one "better" believing and or allowing them to believe that the wrong they are engaged in is fine and there will be no consequence.

One can be humble and serve without being a Christian. Those things are easy. An atheist can do that and he knows there is no
You want to show people what Christianity is really about? Stop condoning their sins. Walk in the Light.
Stop calling wrong right. Encourage repentance.

Lots of ears out there itching to hear false teachers speak smooth things. ...Live it up.
What denomination of Christian are you?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Admonish the Sinner
The word “admonish” comes from the Latin verb monere meaning to warn, advise, or alert someone to a threat or danger. As such, its purpose is the good of another; it is an act of love and concern. To admonish the sinner is not to belittle or humiliate him, but rather to alert him to the danger of a sinful course of action. It is rooted in love, not pride. And thus St. Thomas enumerates fraternal correction among the acts of charity.

El Correcto

god is dead
Admonish the Sinner
The word “admonish” comes from the Latin verb monere meaning to warn, advise, or alert someone to a threat or danger. As such, its purpose is the good of another; it is an act of love and concern. To admonish the sinner is not to belittle or humiliate him, but rather to alert him to the danger of a sinful course of action. It is rooted in love, not pride. And thus St. Thomas enumerates fraternal correction among the acts of charity.
What denomination of Christian are you?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That one seems to focus on the wrong in others rather than the wrong in oneself.
Nice. The focus is on a public thread with a topic. So everyone who posted, because they posted do not focus on their own self? Looks like another " you're not perfect so you can't say anything.
That one would trumpet with blaring voice the condemnation of others and silently ignore the blackness of his own soul.
The trumpet you hear is the blowing publicly that homosexuality and Atheism are right. I'll condemn that just as publicly as it's trumpeted .
So because I do that, I am somehow "ignoring the blackness of my soul." Again, nice try in throwing off the scent.
That one can be boastful of God’s Grace and smugly condemning of another sinner.
I'm humbled by the grace of God.
You look at all condemnation as "smug". You might want to get a little tougher with sin.
Do you agree with God? Do your actions match your words?
Not always. I fall short often. When I do, I repent and pray for forgiveness.
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Well-Known Member
Not grasping your observation.
Humanly impossible, if a person could do it they would fulfill the law. Same as
Matthew 22:36-37 King James Version (KJV)
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Not possible, that is exactly why,God placed a baby human in the womb or a virgin, let's just call her Mary.
The same baby, placed in Mary's womb answered the above question as a man, while he knew his destiny was a cross, when he answered the above question.
These people wanted a law, something to do to be accepted, Jesus told them what they wanted to hear, knowing fully it was impossible for a human.
Romans 3:20
20Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
When he responded he knew eternal life through a law or works was not possible.
Look up the rich young ruler, see what he was told to do, it was known he would not get eternal life if he complied, nontheless it exposed his heart, had he done what was prescribed his selling of everything would not have gained favor or forgivness, but his heart would have been good fertile ground and he would have accepted the truth of the gospel.
I talk too much, hoped this clarified what I said Fred.
Take care my brother:thumbup1:.


Retired 23 years
While we are discussing religion someone pass the collection plate (twice) and send me to proceeds. I'll make sure it goes to god.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Confession is good for the soul. I don’t expect it here but you might look into it in the near future.
Thats it?
More instruction? I'm good.
Here ? Public forum. Yes a little wisdom expected.

Confession?... I can't remember a day when I have not confessed my needs, my wants, my sins, and thanked God through Jesus Christ for what He has given me and done for me.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Weird you idiots like blathering on and on about your Jesus but can’t even answer what denomination you’re part of?
Apologies for not waiting on pins and needles for your next enlightened post.
I am a Christ-follower raised in the Roman Catholic faith.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Confession is good for the soul. I don’t expect it here but you might look into it in the near future.
Speaking of confession....Please answer
1. Homosexuality is not a sin? True or False?
2. One who openly cries out there is no God and denies He exist is in danger of eternal Hell fire. True or False?

El Correcto

god is dead
Catholics are ridiculous, here is fun experiment, look up how many priests in your area have credible accusations of sexual abuse of children in your city.

We have a 7 page list of them, 17 in all. Deacons, Priests, “religious brothers”.

The Catholic Church is a global pedophile cult.