Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Inordinately Right
Oh, Milley definitely knew more than the president.
I don't know why you radical left wing Democrats love to defend a brutal authoritarian communist dictatorship and the people who shill for them. Well, actually, it makes sense, nevermind.


Well-Known Member
Buddy of mine, 20 plus years in the army, 7+ kids… getting dishonorably discharged, losing his pension and his house. All for not taking the clot shot. Crazy times man.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Maybe Biden is playing 5D chess and is some kind of secret patriot. The hero Gotham needs. Pissing off and discharging half the military is actually a really good thing.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Where do you get these crazy ideas?
Because think about it. When push comes to shove and the establishment turns the military on you, would you (well, not literally you personally of course because you seem to be going right along with all this authoritarian bull:censored2:) rather be up against actual fit soldiers, or a half-compromised military made up of fat lesbians and guys on hormone blockers with their dicks cut off?

Besides. If there's any hope of the Right's wet dream of the military suddenly "remembering their oath" and turning on the swamp ever coming true, this is it.