It’s not about fearing the pin prick. It’s about fearing what the vax may end up doing to you long term.
For some it’s about their faith. A customer on my route is in that boat.. his son is decorated Army Ranger who is also leaving a job he loves because his faith says no to vaccines.
Nobody should be forced. And the government should give us ALL the info about the vax. Do you really think this admin is going to allow any info about possible negative long term effects of the vax go public? Jen Saki has already stepped up to the mic to announce they are pushing social media to censor any opinions not in lock step with the “mask up, vax up, close up, and shut up!” doctrine.
I was excited about the vax when it first came out (pushed thru by President Trump with Warp Speed!) thinking “finally all this stupidity can come to an end”. Remember when our now sitting VP said she’d never get a vax developed under Trump?

But getting the vax isn’t enough.. watch the Socialcrats continue to push useless mask mandates, create barriers to travel and trade, all so they can be in complete control.
I’ve had covid, there’s a low chance I could get it again. If I do, most likely it’ll be a nothing burger of sitting home for two weeks watching TV and drinking beer but there is a low chance that I might have more serious symptoms and an even lower chance that I might be hospitalized. If so, there is a low chance I may die.
So if I don’t take the vax there’s a low chance times a low chance times a low chance times a low chance that I might snuff it. Ok. Got it. Also a low chance I’ll be hit by a bus if I go outside today, probably a higher chance by an order of magnitude then dying of covid because I’m unvaccinated but I’ll risk it.
If I DO take the vax what are the possible downsides? Well there is a low chance of immediate bad negative side effect up to and including death. You have to dig really hard to find any info and don’t use Google or YouTube at all because, you know, censorship. But it’s out there. It does happen.
Yes the short term negative reactions are exceptions and yes the vax has reduced but not eliminated the virus. But there is a small chance of immediate negative effects already documented plus a complete unknown about the long term side effects.
It’s all an issue of which course of action is least risk. Don’t take vax and risk low chance to the fourth power of possible death. Or take the vax with completely unknown chance (I mean somewhere between 0% and 100% chance) that the vax may be worse than the virus. And it’s a one way trip. I can always take vax later if it seems wise and we know more about it..But I can’t untake the vax if it turns out bad.
The powers that be don’t help their case with mandates and shaming. It all makes me more suspicious about what’s being kept from us “for our own good”.