Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Well-Known Member
All of these "hahaha i want you to lose your job and die" people really remind me of the people who told me TRUMP didn't have a chance in 2016. Sharing the same articles and all.


Bad Moon Risen'
All of these "hahaha i want you to lose your job and die" people really remind me of the people who told me TRUMP didn't have a chance in 2016. Sharing the same articles and all.
Only reason Chump got in is because of widespread voter fraud.

Thinking Clinton being a :censored2:ty candidate helped a little.


Inordinately Right
"The jab." That's so cringe.


Inordinately Right
I cannot believe it took to page 7 on this thread to find a couple people posting that have a brain. Thank you for that! Talk about unbelievably self destructive posts on this subject. Hopeful just armchair warriors. Honestly cannot imagine our UPS driver not being vaccinated. How awful to think if he got "full blown Covid," that many could lose him. Dreadful. You suffer severely. You are not right again in most cases, if you survive. Heck as children most of us (I'd like to think) had to get school vaccinations ie DTaP, IPV, MMR, Varicella (chicken pox). In some lines of work you are required to get a 3 series Hep A and there are many other types of vaccines out there depending for example, on your immune system etc. As a kid I recall our neighbor was a polio survivor with leg-length discrepancy. It is a life long crippling disease. Terrible things happen when you do not get vaccinated which certainly normally do not out weigh disease. Even as we age many of us get Flu shots and Shingles shots. So yes! Why not the Covid shot? Make the right decision for yourself. Remember, you might only get one shot at it, per se. It can be a death sentence and not a nice quick one either, which means it could be curtains! Sayonara! Or as my niece would say, see ya wouldn't want to be ya! No truer words were spoken. From March 26, 2020 thru May 25, 2020, we lost 4 in 9 weeks. To date, we have not recovered properly, let alone fully. Three were the males in our family who meant the most, plus our precious 19 year old Molly. Very unpleasant. If you antivaxxers think you are 1/16 as important or wonderful as our men/family members were, then think about, because you are just another number if you get it. All of ours passed away before shots were available and when hospitals and funeral homes had their doors closed. For the most part they died alone without family. There is nothing more horrid and gut wrenching. It's just a shot, if you can, get it. JMHO from 1166 O-MO @ # Ruby1.
But COVID, in the vast majority of cases, is not. Yeah well tell that to a guy I grew up with, his name Scott Krupinski, there is a STL MO news article online about his ordeal. But it only briefly touches on it. His wife had videos etc on their FB. Neither look like they did prior to his hospitalization. Aged the hell out of them both and he will never be the same. I see him walk / stumble around town, trying to keep healthy by exercising.
Talk about so many that remain uneducated and clueless. Which is quite fine. Yet so little time for.
I just don't think anyone should have to pick up the hospital tab and anything thereafter for these folks who don't get vaccinated, unless you have a true medical reason for example, prone to blood clots, could be one reason.
Good luck to the naysayers. I'll take what little protection the shot may hold as opposed to not and follow what need be. I do not have a death wish. I have a lot to live for and a lot to give in life. Not to mention, that personally, I've seen enough death in such a short period of time that I have had quite enough hideousness, negativity and sadness. Regardless, everyone else can definitely do as they please. Life. It CAN be a choice. Choose wisely or the virus may just choose you!
You sound very scared.
I'm glad the trump administration got you people a vaccine. Most of you were losing your minds without it.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s going to be held up in court for a while, works it way to the Supreme Court, they smack Joe Biden like the :censored2: authoritarian he is, remind him about federalism.

UPS could go ahead with their own vaccine mandate and risk getting sued by individuals. The leftist regime already exempted health conditions and religious reasons for federal employees. They aren’t setting a very strong mandate from the jump. They know this is going to fail imo.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
All of these "hahaha i want you to lose your job and die" people really remind me of the people who told me TRUMP didn't have a chance in 2016. Sharing the same articles and all.
Who wants anyone to lose their job? This is all about our unvaccinated "freedom fighters" here that are saying they will not allow themselves to take a weekly kung flu test.
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Poop Head

Judge me.

I agree! Sure as heck was.....when we sent that missile right up Soleimani's arse......we also sent a few back to hiding.

Too bad they came back out of hiding about 8 months ago.

ISIS sure was quiet for awhile.
Were not even a year into this. Think about it.

China is moving their :censored2: into Bagram right now.

Joe looks like a scared toddler in most of his "speeches".

Amazing to me, how one man can make our great nation appear so weak.


Well-Known Member
Were not even a year into this. Think about it.

China is moving their :censored2: into Bagram right now.

Joe looks like a scared toddler in most of his "speeches".

Amazing to me, how one man can make our great nation appear so weak.

Absolutely. What's even more unsettling is Afghanistan is basically a direct pathway from China to Iran. Who's allies with China?


Gonna be an effin hoot.

The Driver

I drive.
Glad Biden had the guts to follow through on what Trump didn’t.

If getting out of Afghanistan would make America great again then why didn’t Trump get out when he had his opportunity? He passed the buck as usual. No guts.